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Windows 10 Announced

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I may be a bit slow today, but can anybody explain me where I can find this info screen in Windows 10? I've been unable to find it since I started using Windows 10 :-[-Ath (January 29, 2016, 01:49 AM)
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Open a CLI and type winver.exe, or do it from Start->Run

Open a CLI and type winver.exe, or do it from Start->Run
-4wd (January 29, 2016, 05:47 AM)
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Thnx! :up: (now I feel really silly, never used winver much, but it finally proves to be useful for something) :-[

Arizona Hot:
Windows 10 Announced

The latest Win 10 update.

Stoic Joker:
Oh crap ... Another one?!? Damn it!

Oh yay ... I've reached .63 ... whooppee ... still, I guess all you guys get to find all the data destroying bugs at least a month before I do ... there is a plus side ...


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