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Windows 10 Announced
The acid test will be when somebody who has used only Win XP or 7 installs it or gets a machine with it new and tries it out.
-Arizona Hot (October 02, 2014, 07:35 PM)
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Yes, but that's what I'm saying: what are they offering (in terms of new killer features) that will entice masses of businesses and consumers to try it out? I'm not seeing anything so far.
(I understand programmers, sysadmin and the like will try it out because of their professional needs and curiosity - but I'm talking about MS's target customers, the vast majority of whom are still with Win7 and XP.)
-dr_andus (October 03, 2014, 06:51 AM)
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The possible problem is not whether they will find it better, it is whether they will find it compatible with the programs they use and easily usable. These people want to continue what they have been doing with as little transition trouble as possible. They will have to transfer to it sooner or later, the question is when and with what problems.
-Arizona Hot (October 03, 2014, 11:57 AM)
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I think we're close to the crux here, and I'm Your Average User.
I'm not looking for screaming new features, though a few cute ones can't help. (Copy and paste around command lines can't hurt! I still have a couple dos-type programs running around!)
I am just a wee bit nervous that XP is fading slowly into a risk zone, and I basically believe that now without "TileLand" or whatever obscuring the decision, plus that extra couple years of development, I want and I think I trust the "backbone" of it, especially because this is the new edition with a comp sci guy as CEO.
So yeah, I'll switch my stuff over, and as long as it doesn't also include evil tricks like "this music is not authorized so you can't play it", and if all my most important apps work, off I go to forget about upgrading for another bunch of years.
Heh. The Admin on W9 Forums had to scramble to change everything to Windows 10.-MilesAhead (October 02, 2014, 09:13 AM)
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They couldn't just do a search and replace on it! What if they accidentally turned every reference to Windows 95 or 98 to Windows 105 or Windows 108? The results could be disastrous! :P
rgdot: taken? :P
Heh. The Admin on W9 Forums had to scramble to change everything to Windows 10.-MilesAhead (October 02, 2014, 09:13 AM)
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They couldn't just do a search and replace on it! What if they accidentally turned every reference to Windows 95 or 98 to Windows 105 or Windows 108? The results could be disastrous! :P
-Deozaan (October 03, 2014, 08:27 PM)
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Heh heh. That and a bunch of W9x references. :)
MilesAhead: taken? :P
-rgdot (October 03, 2014, 08:32 PM)
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With MS getting cagey it might be like boxing a bet. They'll register domains eleven through twenty and still not get a hit. Maybe they'll call it Picture Windows because everything will be stacked fullscreen programs so they can also run on phones. :) Maybe like DesqView. Hit a hotkey to switch programs(Alt Tab anyone?) :)
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