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File too long for Recycle Bin

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This utility was talked about before on DC:

I posted a small modification that allowed larger numbers to be specified and if I remember right, it supported UNC paths:

Explorer Documented?  Next you'll be asking for Registry Documentation.

I think I asked about it on MSDN years ago.  Bill Gates replied:
"Documentation?  We don't need no stinkin' documentation."  But then again
my memory isn't as reliable as I remember it being in the past.  :)

IIRC - It can be solved from the command line. My memory is fuzzy though. I had this issue a while back.

IIRC - It can be solved from the command line. My memory is fuzzy though. I had this issue a while back.
-Renegade (September 27, 2014, 09:38 PM)
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Folks, I already had several solutions when I posted the question  :huh:
I had put some time into finding the answer to a very rare problem. All the answers posted work quite well but I don't want to make a project of deleting a file  :o
I want to hit delete and press on with the business at hand............. and, on several occasions lately that didn't work.
No big deal :) I've had a copy of "Move on Boot" on every machine for many years so I fire up the utility, designate the bastard file, reboot the machine, and the file has disappeared as was advertised. Problem solved  :Thmbsup:.............. except I just wasted 20 mins deleting a file  :(
The second time I got that error msg I decided it was time to find out why I was getting it  :huh:
I checked the includes folder and discovered a half dozen files stretching to the edge of the screen and a scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. Files are 350/450 characters long, just characters, no complete words, and no file extension...  weird  :tellme:
They wouldn't delete, rename, shorten, or copy to the clipboard. I couldn't move them to the root folder to get a shorter path. They just set there pissing me off  :-[
Then, I started clicking "about", hoping for an epiphany  :D
I right clicked on the Menu Bar in the ribbon, the file was already highlighted, and I get a dropdown. Click the option "Delete File History", try to delete the file again, and Voila', it goes  :Thmbsup:
I tried a couple more of the long files with the same result. What has File History got to do with the problem  :huh: :huh:
I don't know but maybe someone at DC does  :)
I post the question..... get lots of ideas and methods to remove the naughty files, but I still don't know why deleting file history worked unless the file history is tacked onto the file somehow  :tellme:
Since then I've been checking more of the "includes folders" for more over-long files and trying to figure what to do with them.
The files are easy to find once you start paying attention  :D
Open a folder and if it contains extra long files a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the page  ;)
Found some more files and started playing. Deleting the history worked! Then I found one with .eml in the file.......... an email header? Locked solid... so I checked the Properties and discovered that everyone could see it but nobody had full powers to do anything with it. I edited the Permissions giving everyone "full powers" and Bingo......... that one deleted with the mouse  :Thmbsup:
Found more files running off the edge of the screen and one of these had the word adlink in the file name. JUNK files  ;D
Removed them all using one of the procedures outlined above..... in 10 seconds, and never leaving the page  :P
Long story shorter............ try the above procedures if the problem arises. It really isn't necessary to run off into Geekdom to rid yourself of those damned too-long files  :D

If you hit Delete History and the files were deleetd it's likely because, as I already noted, the OS has no problem creating and deleting very long filenames.  Only the shell.  The browser can delete long filenames programmatically.  It's only Explorer that pukes out.

If there's a free or other file manager you can bear to use all the time that does not use Explorer under the covers, then it should be no thought required.  Select files and hit delete.

I haven't run into this often enough to search out such file managers.  But they must be out there.

Edit: In fact if anyone wants to experiment to see if Recycle Bin itself can handle paths >260 you could create such a file by some means then use my command line program sike to attempt to send it to the bin.

Download is from this page:

I right clicked on the Menu Bar in the ribbon, the file was already highlighted, and I get a dropdown. Click the option "Delete File History", try to delete the file again, and Voila', it goes  :Thmbsup:
I tried a couple more of the long files with the same result. What has File History got to do with the problem
-Cuffy (September 27, 2014, 11:18 PM)
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Since deleting the file history allows me to delete the long file why do you feel it's necessary to search out and install a different file manager  :huh:
Using the simplest logic I can muster I'm going to assume that the file, supplied by an email newsletter, was below the legal limit for length when downloaded, file history was added, doubling the length of the file and pushing it over the legal limit for length.
Delete, shorten, rename, move and edit are now impossible  :mad:
What to do  :huh:
Simple  8)
Remove the straw that broke the camel's back  :P
Delete file history ;)
now smartass....... delete the file without incident :D
Sometimes I'm so smart I get nauseous  :-[


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