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Linux bash exploit discovered

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not really an over reaction but it may be seen as oneSoon there will be a "recommendation" to turn off all devices and just go out and talk personally? I don't think I am exaggerating when I say we are at a tipping point or cross roads and not just technologically speaking. A war there, a hack there, a criminal over there, a new enemy over in the other place, etc.

At some point humanity should decide if it wants to try a future ala Star Trek or just give up and just nuke each other to oblivion

This is my primary source for information about the bash exploit:

Everything you need to know about the Shellshock Bash bug

As I understand it, it's not just Linux. It's pretty much anything with bash. This includes Unix systems, OSX, Linux, Internet of Things (toasters, thermostats, lightbulbs), routers, and even some tools for Windows that include bash.

It's a pretty severe problem. )c:

Unix doesn't default to bash. Unix rocks.

May be there will be more movement away from using Bash as the default system shell for systems that currently use it.

IIRC, sometime ago Debian switched away from bash as the default system shell to using dash.

Not in Linuxland. The bash is the only major GPL'ed shell.


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