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Do we have any musical people on DC?

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Man... more bad news for music.

Lonnie Mack, Blues-Rock Guitar Great, Dead at 74

Yeah I have a music performance BFA in flute from undergrad. Then I play a little piano and am learning the guitar. I can also double on oboe.


Prince... and Miles Davis?  I'd never seen this before... circa 1987.

And for some odd reason, I get the feeling that the bad news for 'this year in music' isn't over yet.
-40hz (April 21, 2016, 01:37 PM)
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"Me and Mrs. Jones" singer Billy Paul dies at age 81

Pop music fans may have only known Billy Paul for a single song, but what a song it was. And soul music fans will remember the much deeper catalog of soul and jazz recordings and live performances that kept Billy in our minds right until this sad day. He will be missed and remembered.
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Interesting articles on Prince's fight with technology and the impetus of the "I want it now" generation.

Prince vs The Internet: Why His Fight For Art Mattered

Prince Makes King Move with Tidal [INTERVIEW]

Prince: ‘Transcendence. That’s what you want. When that happens – Oh, boy'

I'd never heard this stuff before.  Any thoughts on it?  Especially on album track order?


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