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Do we have any musical people on DC?

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Just wondering if any of you guys can sing, play guitar, piano...anything musical really!

If so...why not let all all hear you?!  Would love to hear/see some recordings of you guys!


Heh! I know you sing & all that. You start! :)

I write audio software for musicians, and I play guitar, but I'm out of practice and really suck, so I won't be posting anything. :P

Heh! I know you sing & all that. You start! :)

I write audio software for musicians, and I play guitar, but I'm out of practice and really suck, so I won't be posting anything. :P
-Renegade (September 20, 2014, 08:35 AM)
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Damnit...I forgot you knew about that haha

Challenge Accepted....with the ONLY recording I have of me on the laptop lol:

Very rough recording that I never got around to doing properly, so be gentle :D

I think this question has been asked on DC before and didn't get many replies, but I KNOW there are more musician types here.  Myself I like to think I play guitar, but I get more caught up in making noise and building things than actually improving my chops, and the things I build are usually doomed to reach the "good enough" stage before I move on to the ne   OOH! SHINY!

40Hz plays bass and has actually played in bands (unlike yours truly).  Superboyac has mentioned he plays Hammond organ and other people actually listen to it.  I don't recall off the top of my head anybody else who's mentioned anything.

I've toyed with doing a Donationcoder-themed metal tune (I have the main riff, a bit of melody and a few snips of lyric), but availability of free time and technical issues have prevented that from coming to fruition.

I'm also a bassist, although I haven't been in a band for more than 2 decades now and didn't pick up an instrument for almost 10. Now that I'm hanging around with a lot of musicians again, I've picked it up again and hope to be in another band within the next few months.

Nothing recorded to share though.


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