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[2014-09-17] GoogleTranslator+ | Translate Anything, from Anywhere

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(n)ew feature | (f)ix
#(n)#all#2014-09-17#{Shift+INSERT} : Look up definitions for selected text in any window, for abbreviations
#(n)#all#2014-09-17#{Shift+F4} : Look up definitions for (selected) text in this window, for abbreviations

* <ABBREVIATION>*[searchPattern] : Look up definitions for ABBREVIATION that contains the searchPattern, for example :
* PERL*lang: Look up definitions for "PERL" that contains "lang"[2014-09-17] GoogleTranslator+ | Translate Anything, from Anywhere
[2014-09-17] GoogleTranslator+ | Translate Anything, from Anywhere

#(n)#all#2014-09-17#{Ctrl+L} : Convert (selected) text in main window to lower case
#(f)#all#2014-09-17#{Ctrl+Shift+INSERT} : Translate text of objects in the active window, e.g. a MessageBox

#(n)#all#2014-09-08#{F11} : Remove new line characters
#(n)#all#2014-09-08#{F12} : Ignore popular phrases in object translation
#(f)#all#2014-09-08#Minor display updates

#(n)#all#2014-08-15#{Shift+INSERT} to translate text of objects in the active window, e.g. a MessageBox

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Links to Google Translator+
# #download_link
# #log

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I would like to give this a try, but the download link gives me a "404 Error File Not Found" message...  :huh:

It looks like ego.bizzin's website is temporarily down -- stay tuned.


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