Other Software > Developer's Corner
Rewriting work for hire after the fact...
I recently found myself in the position of writing a small amount of code as an independent contractor. This code interfaces with a popular platform used by specific academic researchers to provide missing functionality.
Obviously, the code I am producing is "work for hire" and therefore the property of the body that hired me.
While researching the problem, I found that a huge number of people out there want/need the functionality I coded.
The code I am producing under my current contract is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database.
If, after this project is done and I get paid, could I rewrite this in a completely different manner and sell it?
For example, could I create the same functionality in, say, Python or Ruby with a nosql database and then market it as a different product?
I guess the question is this... they clearly own the code I wrote for them... but do they own the ideas I had to solve the problem?
I think in this case, as an independent contractor, you should probably feel free to create new code that solves the same problem, without issue.
They hired you to solve a particular problem for them -- unless there is something in your contract that says you can't write similar tools for others, I wouldn't stress it.
ps. If this was for an academic organization, they mostly likely couldn't care less.
but do they own the ideas I had to solve the problem?
-cthorpe (September 18, 2014, 12:00 AM)
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Or look at it this way -- If I solved the problem, could they stop me?
As far as I know they don't have a patent on your solution. In the future it may be wise to have an attorney draw up some documents you can append to the contract with some provisos that "reusable code" or callable functions that have utility for similar problems are retained by you for future use. The use of the functions in the particular code for hire doesn't impinge on your ownership. Maybe throw in some stuff about programs written in C don't give away printf() etc.. to make the point clear.
If they won't sign the codicil then I would just assume that painting someone's office doesn't preclude ypu from paining other offices for money in the same town. :)
I think the only time you would worry is if you signed a non-disclosure because your code had the secret how the bank's time lock worked or something similar. :)
I think the only time you would worry is if you signed a non-disclosure because your code had the secret how the bank's time lock worked or something similar. :)
-MilesAhead (September 18, 2014, 05:39 AM)
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This. However, none of that helps if you're sued. The big question is, are they commercially retailing the work that you're doing? Because, I don't think that legality or how a case is going to be viewed by legal authorities is going to be your problem... it's exposure and risk analysis.
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