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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Code into image files


Hi all.
As far as I know, image files (Jpg, Bmp, etc...) may include some code. Is there a simple way to find out if an image includes a program?

To control a suspicious image I have tried some software, the best was JPEGsnoop, but no result. I would try with other software too.

Stoic Joker:
What type of payload are you trying to find in what kind of image? Are you trying to spot hostile code coming in, or sensitive data going out?

The question is way to general to try and answer properly.

Are you trying to spot hostile code-Stoic Joker (September 08, 2014, 11:57 AM)
--- End quote ---

Yes, hostile code inside image files.

Hostile but not really dangerous. This fact might explain why no security program signals it.


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