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for %%a in (*) do start "" "%%a"

<< < (8/8)

Ejem I tried because comes in a forum for years i use, but not always What exactly does this line of batch code ? :

for %%a in (*) do start "" "%%a"

I don't recommend to use.
Collapse two times my system.

-Contro (October 12, 2014, 02:55 PM)
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So you ran a batch file that you didn't have clue what it did?    Seems like a totally reasonable and safe things to do...lmao
-Stephen66515 (October 12, 2014, 04:45 PM)
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I try because was posted in a forum i visit several years ago....



The best advice ever when running random code posted in a forum, is exactly as Stephen alluded to:
NEVER run code that you don't know what it is going to do.  Perhaps you wanted to run this script because you saw it as a batch-bomb of sorts, and wanted to look into how to prevent it from crashing your system.  But not knowing?... just don't do it.

For example, DON'T run this:

--- --- :s
 start "" %0
 goto s
or this:

--- ---%0|%0until you know what it does, and how to stop it.  And now that you've seen the code, you'll be able to spot it in the wild.
You're welcome.


The best advice ever when running random code posted in a forum, is exactly as Stephen alluded to:
NEVER run code that you don't know what it is going to do.  Perhaps you wanted to run this script because you saw it as a batch-bomb of sorts, and wanted to look into how to prevent it from crashing your system.  But not knowing?... just don't do it.

-Edvard (October 13, 2014, 08:44 PM)
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At the very least run it in a vm. I can understand if you're the type of person who needs to see something in action to understand it. Given that it's both easy and free to do it safely, when somebody who ought to know better chooses to play Russian roulette, I have to think they're getting what they deserve.


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