Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Please help me find that utility - "Something" To TXT ?
Hi guys, before many years i have use a tiny free utility that creates a text file from any windows file.
Right click on ThisIsMyFile.mp3 = Press "Create Text Here" (or something like that) = And automatically has create ThisIsMyFile.txt
Can anyone knows this free software? I try to find on the net but without of lack. The same and from my files. I don't remember the actual name and i coulnd find it. :(
File2TXT? Files2Text? Copy2Text? CreateTextHere? ...... I dont remember the name.
What would be in this .txt file once it's created? Is it just a zero byte file with the same name as the non-txt file you click on?
"ThisIsMyFile.mp3 > ThisIsMyFile.txt"
- create a plain text file with name "ContextmenuCreateTXTFile.cmd"
- add: IF NOT EXIST "%~n1.txt" Null > "%~n1.txt"
- Below the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*\shell\" subkey
- create a new subkey "Create TXT File from selected file" (the name of the context menu entry)
- create beneath a another subkey "command"
- and there change the (Default) REG_SZ and add the value "full\path\to\ContextmenuCreateTXTFile.cmd" "%1"
So you should get now:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*\shell\Create TXT File from selected file\command
(Default) "full\path\to\ContextmenuCreateTXTFile.cmd" "%1"
OR for Folders:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Shell\Create TXT File from selected name\command\
(Default) "full\path\to\ContextmenuCreateTXTFile.cmd" "%1"
Now right click any file, choose "Create TXT File", and you are done.
- - -
You can also do
"ThisIsMyFile.mp3 > ThisIsMyFile.mp3.txt"
IF NOT EXIST "%1.txt" Null > "%1.txt"
or even
"ThisIsMyFile.mp3 > ThisIsMyFile.BAK.mp3"
IF NOT EXIST "%~n1.BAK%~x1" Null > "%~n1.BAK%~x1"
- - -
And as a bonus:
IF NOT EXIST "%~n1.txt" Null > "%~n1.txt" & START "" Notepad "%~n1.txt"
Or better:
SET NewFile="%~n1.txt"
IF NOT EXIST %NewFile% Null > %NewFile% & START "" notepad %NewFile%
- - -
Another example:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*\shell\Create BAK copy of selected file\command
IF NOT EXIST "%~n1.BAK%~x1" COPY %1 "%~n1.BAK%~x1"
And you do not need any program to run in tray etc.
Very good, AbteriX :)
Stoic Joker:
Hi guys, before many years i have use a tiny free utility that creates a text file from any windows file.
-sakiskom (September 03, 2014, 08:09 PM)
--- End quote ---
Man, I used to love that thing ... I think it was called F-note (short for file note). It was just a context menu item that showed up for all files that would put an empty text file with the same name in the same location as target file.
AbteriX's solution looks like a hit, as it will produce the same result.
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