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Game (& reviews) industry's silent scandal
So, have you heard yet about Zoe Quinn and her little escapade and the massive sh*tstorm it turned out to be in the last two weeks?
If not, go ahead and search for youtube for 'quinnspiracy' or just her name. Or start for example from and click your way through the ton of material there is now.
The worst thing is, I do not know what game review site is at least a bit trustworthy. I was a visitor on firingsquad, but that ended years ago, later I liked gamespy, but that is now closed also. Most of the other popular sites are publishing propaganda articles, nobody seems to concern themselves with professional journalism ethics or just common sense.
(you may find funny, but only after you know what was happening)
Well, the first thing is to throw away the idea that they're journalists. That done, visit sites for the content, not the reviews. Wait until after the first few weeks, and then get user reviews.
This isn't new, nor the first time. See Kane & Lynch (look up Jeff Gerstmann), just offhand.
There was also a CVG article on this a few years ago.
Gaming companies use meta-critic as performance reviews for their staff. And as such, manipulating that has become a very sad art, and who can blame them when its their livelihood on the line? That's why I go for the reviews of players, even if that means getting it later. I have enough to play in any case (too much, actually), so I can wait... and reap the benefits of the short term memory of the market on most games in regards to pricing.
As an insider for some games, I can tell you that the entire feminist crap is just that - crap.
I've worked on games with far, far worse themes than most people would imagine. Slavery. Torture. Really, really sick stuff.
But the underlying themes have nothing to do with any of the nonsense some people complain about. I get to see the entire theme and story -- everything.
But... meh... whatever.
The SJWs need to STFU.
The entire story is just really sad.
It's sad to think that someone could do all those awful things to Eron, being so manipulative, abusive, and psyophaticw in general.
And then it's sad to think of all the hurt and pain and anguish that Zoe must have gone through herself in order to be molded into that kind of a person. My heart goes out to both of them, and I really hope that Zoe gets the help she needs to heal those wounds that led to this behavior, so that she doesn't further propagate the cycle of abuse.
^ Very well said.
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