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collaborative software, note strong, for small biz
If you are considering Google Docs, then you could consider EtherPad (Etherpad - Wikipedia) and its other derivatives: - seems to be defunct now.
I've used wiznote for collaboration, and it worked out really well. My only complaints were superficial gui issues. i don't know about the rtf feature you want though. I'm guessing evernote is also very similar, perhaps less powerful.
If rightnote had a collaboration feature, I'd be all over that.
onenote is awesome, but my problem with onenote is that you really have to commit to using it, and if you don't like something here or there, tough.
If I were you, I'd start with Wiznote, then look at others.
I've used wiznote for collaboration, and it worked out really well. My only complaints were superficial gui issues. i don't know about the rtf feature you want though.
If I were you, I'd start with Wiznote, then look at others.
-superboyac (September 01, 2014, 02:15 AM)
--- End quote ---
WizNote (a PIM from China) - Mini-Review + Provisional User Forum
(going for another look myself)
I prefer asana for task collab, google docs for doc collab and evernote for notes (though not worth for collab)
I don't know if Zoho would work for you. They have a very comprehensive collection of 25 apps that cover most business, productivity and collaboration requirements. I have two clients heavily vested in it. The only problem is the completely à la carte pricing schedule. While one or two apps are generally affordable for small groups, the monthy per-user fee adds up pretty quickly if you're not careful. But you can add and drop products and users as needed. So if not everybody in the group needs something, there's money to be saved by only buying what you need for whoever needs it when it's needed. A good example is the Meetings app. Some of my client's customers like to web conference - so when they have a big project in from one of them, they add the meeting module for their employees and the client's reps that will be participating. When the project is finished, they drop it till next time they need it.
Zoho offers free trails (2 weeks if IIRC) of all their products. So it's easy to see if it will work for you. All said, it's a very nice suite of offerings.
I personally don't care for it. But my two clients love it. YMMV. :)
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