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The Movie and Book Writing Thread
If you figure out something interesting and non-trivial to use The Brain for, be sure to let me know?
-40hz (September 01, 2014, 08:51 PM)
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It's useful for pretty much any set of complex, related information.
Richard Grove uses it extensively at Tragedy and Hope. Here's a cued up bit with it onscreen. You'll likely want to pause:
I've seen him use much more complex mappings. I just grabbed that at random.
Richard is really big on the Trivium method of education, and uses the tool in that.
From the link above:
The HISTORY BLUEPRINT is a tool for auto-didactic learning, allowing anyone to begin developing a comprehensive understanding of where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going as Humanity.
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So, it's excellent for history. You can map events, organisations, people, places, ideas, URLs, or pretty much anything you can imagine. You can then get that feel for the relationships there in a more visual and interactive way.
But the same goes for tracking news topics or other kinds of events, e.g. a political campaign, sporting events, etc.
Also, for academic purposes, it's ideal for doing research as you can pin down those connections and relations nice and visually.
It would also work very well for personal research and discovery. You can continually add nodes, so it would work very well for planning.
I suppose that you could use it to design arguments/syllogisms as well.
But, I'm not sure any of that is non-trivial.
In all seriousness, Ren is a great editor. Though I didn't get my story published, between Ren's suggestions, and the suggestions of a friend who is a professional writer, the story that came out was a lot better. I just need to get back to it.
In all seriousness, Ren is a great editor. Though I didn't get my story published, between Ren's suggestions, and the suggestions of a friend who is a professional writer, the story that came out was a lot better. I just need to get back to it.
-wraith808 (September 02, 2014, 12:31 PM)
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Thank you! :-*
Thread Arise!
In the spirit of continuing to push myself in writing, I submitted a game for Game Chef 2015.
It was last minute- I'd forgotten the date that the competition was supposed to start. But I think it's a good idea, and I'm going to continue to work on it. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be more than welcome!
Well, cubby seems to not be working for that link anymore, so here are two alternatives.
And a brief introduction from the Foreword
Driven To Tears
“How can you say that you’re not responsible?
What does it have to do with me?”
I decided to enter Game Chef 2015- I’d heard about it in many contexts, but hadn’t ever happened to remember it at the time it started. It seemed like a good idea at the time, so I committed that I’d at least submit something. Then I forgot about the start date, and saw that I’d missed it with only a few days left. But I decided to try anyway, and read on…
Theme: A Different Audience
Ingredients: abandon, dragonfly, stillness, dream
I have a hard enough time coming up with ideas for … anything, truthfully. Then I saw those, and was disheartened. How could I come up with something in that short of a time.
“What is my reaction?
What should it be?
Confronted by this latest atrocity”
Then the event in Charleston happened. Shootings, in a church of all places- when those within were reaching out to one without- and the one responded with senseless violence. And thinking back on the helplessness and forlorn feelings of powerlessness in the face of so many tragedies, and not understanding how people could have a lack of empathy and understanding. And the idea for this entry was born.
Originally, I was going to use 3 out of the four ingredients- I really didn’t know how to integrate the Dragonfly. But then, talking with my wife, I was able to not only figure out it’s use- but that it would be the central part of the plot- the part to make it a story of hope, rather than one of despair.
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