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Ice Bucket Challenge...You all got nominated!
Btw, just so you all realize...I did also donate to them, just thought it would be fun to do the challenge as well...always enjoyed making myself look like a fool haha
-Stephen66515 (August 24, 2014, 10:53 AM)
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It was fun to see you! :Thmbsup:
The entire thing seems like fun. (Anyone ever done a polar bear swim?)
Except when you see some moron drop a 50 gallon garbage can filled with water on someone from a height of 3+ m in a failed attempt to pour water. That's got to hurt.
Stephen, ignore the negative posts -- thanks for putting yourself out there and encouraging us all to participate in something fun.
Btw, just so you all realize...I did also donate to them, just thought it would be fun to do the challenge as well...always enjoyed making myself look like a fool haha
-Stephen66515 (August 24, 2014, 10:53 AM)
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@S - I'm probably overly sensitive since I so often make myself look like a fool without intending to. No criticism towards you or the cause was intended. :)
Lol no criticism taken guys xD ;D
Btw...none of you are excused from the nominations lol
Stephen, ignore the negative posts -- thanks for putting yourself out there and encouraging us all to participate in something fun.
-mouser (August 24, 2014, 11:20 AM)
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@Mouser - I don't think anybody was being negative. Just a little critical of some people feeling the need to always have drama whenever they're asked to do something. Whatever happened to giving to a worthy cause just because giving was the right thing to do?
I'm also noting how the activities are beginning to shift from passive actions (like walking or turning on your car headlights) to show your support, to more - shall we be polite and say marginally aggressive behaviors? I'm talking about things like shaving your head, or dumping ice water on it, to somehow "prove" your "commitment" to a cause. What's with this element of low-key personal humiliation that's beginning to creep into what traditionally has been considered "noble action?"
Makes me sometimes wonder what's going on here. Is this a trend we really want to encourage? :huh:
Just sayin' :tellme:
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