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IT Resumes
Hmmm, instead of Unemployment Insurance, if we had a real Department of Labor, a person should be able to make a living by looking for a job.
As it is now one can: send in the resume; take the phone interview; set up a face to face and drive down to East of Eden somewhere for the interview, when the brother in law was selected before the job was even posted. Being part of the "Nation-wide Search" to make it not look like nepotism is not fun.
Companies may be less likely to abuse applicants in this fashion if they had to compensate the applicant. For example, offset travel expenses, lunch, and a per diem.
This way if one could schedule an interview or two a day during the week one may be able to tread water staying current with rent/utilities etc. during the period of unemployment.
As it is now the HR guy and other management at the prospective employer are all getting paid while the sincere schmuck briefcase in hand, schleps out to the interview at his own expense. There is zero incentive not to abuse people under this system
If it cost the employer a few hundred dollars to pretend to interview someone they may actually listen during the process.
If it cost the employer a few hundred dollars to pretend to interview someone they may actually listen during the process.
-MilesAhead (September 07, 2014, 11:14 AM)
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Unfortunately, I suspect that if it actually cost an employer to interview someone they would simply stop interviewing or at the very least cut down the amount of people they interviewed for a position. I imagine they'd go through all the resumes with a fine-toothed comb, pick the two or three resumes that stood out, and then interview those lucky few for the job. This would mean that job prospects who don't look as good on paper as they come across in real life would then be at a horrible disadvantage.
The jerks who embellish and lie on their resumes would be getting all the interview calls....till the cat was out of the bag. Then everyone would start embellishing and lying on their resumes. None of us want to see what kind of forum post that scenario would illicit out of Stoic Joker. :)
The jerks who embellish and lie on their resumes would be getting all the interview calls....till the cat was out of the bag. Then everyone would start embellishing and lying on their resumes.
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Isn't that what they teach in sales? Say anything to get your foot in the door? To me the abuse is that the entire process is a sham. I was watching the PBS station that covers the Massachusetts House and Senate proceedings daily. Before bringing the session to order Senate President Billy Bulger yells to one of the Senators "Hey! Don't you have a son who needs a job? My daughter needs a job but due to ethics rules she can't work on my staff. So you hire her and I'll hire your son." Then another Senator yells out "But first we'll have a Nationwide Search(tm)!" That brought the house down, pardon the pun.
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