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Easy way to mark file as done?

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but a little expensive.
-Curt (August 25, 2014, 08:12 AM)
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Now there is a free version. Downloading !!!!!!  :-*

Rather than use my script this page shows the Registry key to use and how to add subkeys and values.

-MilesAhead (August 25, 2014, 08:29 AM)
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What script Miles ?

Rather than use my script this page shows the Registry key to use and how to add subkeys and values.

-MilesAhead (August 25, 2014, 08:29 AM)
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What script Miles ?
-Contro (August 25, 2014, 09:50 AM)
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It comes compiled with MD5Hash to add it to the all files and folder context menus.  I looked at it and thought better of posting because MD5Hash uses a function that gets the entire command line as one string rather than an array with each param.  I thought it would just cause confusion.  It uses %1 when most programs need "%1" with the double quotes.

Rather than use my script this page shows the Registry key to use and how to add subkeys and values.

-MilesAhead (August 25, 2014, 08:29 AM)
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What script Miles ?
-Contro (August 25, 2014, 09:50 AM)
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It comes compiled with MD5Hash to add it to the all files and folder context menus.  I looked at it and thought better of posting because MD5Hash uses a function that gets the entire command line as one string rather than an array with each param.  I thought it would just cause confusion.  It uses %1 when most programs need "%1" with the double quotes.

-MilesAhead (August 25, 2014, 04:51 PM)
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What do you mean ? It's difficult to follow your reasons.
No link ?


What do you mean ? It's difficult to follow your reasons.
No link ?
-Contro (August 26, 2014, 05:07 AM)
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I mean if you have a space anywhere in the path of the file clicked on, it won't work.  That's why it has to be "%1" with the double quotes.  MD5Hash works regardless of the space because it gets everything after the program name as one string.  It doesn't get chopped at the first space.  For more info search spaces in filenames and Windows.


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