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Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About The Lockdown:

Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About The Lockdown:
-panzer (November 29, 2020, 06:48 AM)
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I'll take my pandemic advice from qualified Virologists and other scientists, rather than a historian with delusions of grandeur.

Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About The Lockdown:
-panzer (November 29, 2020, 06:48 AM)
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I'll take my pandemic advice from qualified Virologists and other scientists, rather than a historian with delusions of grandeur.
-Stephen66515 (November 30, 2020, 06:57 AM)
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Agreed, but that moves this to the basement, so I refrained from commenting.  It might be better to nip this here- or transfer the whole thing to the Basement.

Your Facebook Friends Are Wrong About The Lockdown:
-panzer (November 29, 2020, 06:48 AM)
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I'll take my pandemic advice from qualified Virologists and other scientists, rather than a historian with delusions of grandeur.
-Stephen66515 (November 30, 2020, 06:57 AM)
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Agreed, but that moves this to the basement, so I refrained from commenting.  It might be better to nip this here- or transfer the whole thing to the Basement.
-wraith808 (November 30, 2020, 08:55 AM)
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Y'all can move it to Basement if you want....I like to live in my little bubble where I forget that place exists :')

Agreed though, bad move on my part to comment on it

Let's nip it here and carry on with the thread as it was!  :D


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