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Everything Search Engine: tips, tricks, ideas and code for poweruse
-nms1944 (November 10, 2014, 02:30 PM)
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I tried it again with IrFanView (portable version) just now and it works all right on my end.
Could you have some other script with the hotkey windows+left/windows+right that overrides this one? You can troubleshoot that by temporarily replacing the two instances of the string "#Right" in the .ahk source with some more unusual hotkey like "^#+i" (control+shift+win+i) and save and test if that makes a difference.
Did you try the .exe version or the .ahk version? If .ahk version, do you have the latest version of Autohotkey installed?
Edit: if someone else is reading this and has tried it with IrFanView on their system and found it working (or not), chip in.
If the answer is YES to my next questions I am embarrassed.
Does this script only work with FARR & EVERYTHING?
It has nothing to do with FARR. But obviously you need Everything. And one of the image viewers mentioned.
To the best of my knowledge I have not hotkeys that use windows+left/windows+right combination. Yes I have the latest version installed.
I ran the exe and nothing happened at all and when I ran EVERYTHING after the exe the keys did not work.
I was wondering if it could be because I installed EVERYTHING on my D: drive???
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