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Bleep… Bittorrent unveils serverless & encrypted chat client

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Yeah, but how does the client know who to communicate your IP address to? Or do you mean we'd have to manually tell each other our IPs and manually enter them into the client?

Yeah, but how does the client know who to communicate your IP address to? Or do you mean we'd have to manually tell each other our IPs and manually enter them into the client?
-Deozaan (August 04, 2014, 08:24 AM)
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It appears that it works like a torrent. There are trackers that know the locations of peers holding data. But they don't know what the content of the data is. And when the actual data of a message gets transferred, it's done peer-to-peer so there's no metadata passing through a central server where it can be easily intercepted. It's almost like a matchmaker arrangement. Bleep puts people in touch with each other. But it doesn't do much beyond handing an 'address' to each person. Their actual communication takes place directly between the parties themselves. Bleep, by design, knows zero about the message itself and has no hand in getting it from point A to point B. (This isn't 100% accurate btw - but it gives you an idea of how it works.)

ExtremeTech did a writeup on it here.

It's not completely secure or untraceable by any stretch.  It just makes it more difficult (in theory) to do so.

Like I said earlier - it's Whack-a-Mole.  But it's questionable just who's playing whom.

Oh wow, BitTorrent notices that decentralized P2P is the way to go. We eMule'rs yawn silently.

Oh wow, BitTorrent notices that decentralized P2P is the way to go. We eMule'rs yawn silently.
-Tuxman (August 04, 2014, 10:25 AM)
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To my mind, it doesn't really matter who did anything first unless you're one of those IP types that wants to patent everything.'

Seriously, what difference does it make whether something is "new' in the absolute or relative sense? Everything is bound to be 'new' to somebody. Why is it so important to establish who supposedly "heard it first" or "did it first?"

Most people could not care less. I know because I happen to be one of them. ;)

Bittorrent is a hype. I'm slightly angered with aversion about hypes. I never was into pop culture.


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