Software > Screenshot Captor
[Error] Network homedirectory problem UNC paths
I'm using Screenshot Captor on a PC where the user's home directory, desktop and documents folders are stored on a network drive (stupid idea) and this is causing startup issues with the following message:
Error moving files: could not create directory OLDER
This is followed by:
Screenshot Captor - Disabling the auto-moving of old screenshots from now on. If you wish to re-enable it, see the 'Saving and Loading Files' tab in options.
Then a folder is created in the root of the harddisk with the name and path of the networkshare ie C:\SERVER\path\to\homedrive\DonationCoder\ScreenshotCaptor because SC does not understand UNC paths (\\SERVER\share).
SC then proceeds to startup correctly.
If you make the folder (structure) manually on the UNC location, can ScreenshotCaptor access it?
In case that is true, that would solve your immediate problem at least.
No SC can't access the folder even after moving it.
Im having a hard time reproducing this; can you make sure you are running the latest version and then let me know if the original problem is still occurring?
In ScreenshotCaptor v4.8.5 the issue is resolved. I removed the root folder and it's no longer recreated.
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