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All Seeing Eye extension for Chrome - History search optimized

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I picked this gem up at Gizmo's TechAlert
Coming from a die hard Firefox fan... this is humbling.  :o

The so-called Australis update was a cruncher but this addon for Chrome makes me want to tilt to the "dark side".

Just noticed that Martin at GHacks posted something about it too.

^^ Yes, I was impressed too, but it still doesn't beat Scrapbook (which saves content including images and lots more, and is indexed/searchable in Windows Search), which is one of the main reasons I am sticking with Firefox as my primary browser, with IE, Chromium, Chrome coming after it - in that order.

Unless I missed out on an option, Scrapbook must be run manually no?

I like that he shows off DonationCoder in the article. (c: :Thmbsup:

I really could have used this earlier, as I've been trying to recall the URL to an article I read a few months ago about a particular topic, but cannot find the source in my history no matter what I try.

Thanks for sharing!

Unless I missed out on an option, Scrapbook must be run manually no?
-dantheman (July 28, 2014, 09:26 PM)
--- End quote ---
Yes, that's correct.


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