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Structured Procrastination - hahaha

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The best procrastinators can do in 6 hours what it would take a normal person 6 months to do. And it will look as if they took 12 months to do it rather than 6 hours. And they know this. And they work better under they put it off and do other things in order to create that pressure on themselves that brings out the best in them.
-app103 (May 31, 2006, 12:50 AM)
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>:( You just supported even more my reasons not to study!  :(


 >:( You just supported even more my reasons not to study!  :(
-jgpaiva (May 31, 2006, 04:12 AM)
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I wasn't referring to studying...I was referring to projects.

The best studying is daily.

If on day 1 you read over what was covered on day 1, and on day 2 read over what was covered on day 1 and day 2, and so the time you take that test you know it by heart. And if not you can close your eyes and practically read it from the images burned into your memory, knowing where the info you need is, what 'page', and even down to the color of the text. (good note takers use multiple colors).

Cramming for a test at last minute is an ineffective way to study. Procrastination works against you in this case.

Cramming for a test at last minute is an ineffective way to study. Procrastination works against you in this case.

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It got me some insanely good grades, though ;)

If on day 1 you read over what was covered on day 1, and on day 2 read over what was covered on day 1 and day 2, and so the time you take that test you know it by heart. And if not you can close your eyes and practically read it from the images burned into your memory, knowing where the info you need is, what 'page', and even down to the color of the text. (good note takers use multiple colors).
-app103 (May 31, 2006, 04:41 AM)
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I think this applies to exams where there is a load of information which you need to regurgitate. Exams testing understanding such a math can be crammed for, very effectivly too 8)

Aargh!! You have discovered the secret to my power and now hold the key to unravel my plans to take over the world (sometime after lunch next Tuesday...)!! Curses!!

Seriously, I read so much about Me in that article I must now forward it to my boss because I could never explain my Modus Operandi so elegantly. Thank you. I can now sharpen pencils in peace and confidence of my ability to crack that looming deadline over there...


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