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Malwarebytes self-start problem

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It's a common problem that occurs when you do not have enough antivirus and antimalware.
Try adding a couple more, and you should have a completely unusable computer, instead of a partially messed up one.

Sorry for the sarcasm but couldn't help.
-eleman (July 10, 2014, 07:00 AM)
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The ones that he's quoted so far are meant to be run at the same time since they cover different areas.

As far as Malwarebytes, there's a resident service that starts the app if it isn't running as a preventative against virii that shut down your protection.  In the menu it's referred to as the self-protection module.  Do you have this enabled?  And did you disable startup from within the app, or some other way?
-wraith808 (July 10, 2014, 09:09 AM)
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Nope, I unticked the self-protection module in advanced settings, and it's still self-starting.
I do hate to speak like this of disabling such important software, but it's either that or get BSODs on an almost daily basis.
-bit (July 11, 2014, 04:23 PM)
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Did you check to see if there is a related service that starts?

On mine, it seems that I have MBAMScheduler and MBAMService.  You could play around with those.

I continue to get daily crashes and BSODs.
I do want MWbytes available for occasional manual scans, but this is not cool.
Whenever MWbytes is running, everything I click on takes an extra 5 or 6 seconds to react.
Even opening a folder and clicking on a txt file adds 6 seconds for each action.
Obviously I'm running a slightly outdated box.
So I hunted in the menus and found some more MWbytes protections to untick.
So now MWbytes runs a delayed start icon in the system tray with a red circle and an exclamation point (!) over the blue icon to tell me "I'm your mother! How could you do this to me!" (shades of Sarah Connor talking to her iguana lizard Pugsley in the aparto kitchenette scene of 'The Terminator'; "There you are, young man. You mind your mother").
This would be comic if it wasn't so tragic; playing games to outwit protection I know I need and can't allow to run or I'll be computing in molasses and staring at nonstop BSODs.
We'll see if things settle down a little more now.

Have you tried to contact support?

How do you know the BSODs are caused by Malwarebytes or the other security programs?

I've been suffering BSODs for about a year now - allegedly caused by a "third party driver". I've updated all drivers I can find to update, tested my memory and HDDs multiple times... Still getting the BSODs. It is almost impossible to find the driver or drivers at fault! Along the way throughout all my searching for a solution I have found that Windows 7x64 seems to be experiencing this issue more than other OS versions.


How do you know the BSODs are caused by Malwarebytes or the other security programs?

I've been suffering BSODs for about a year now - allegedly caused by a "third party driver". I've updated all drivers I can find to update, tested my memory and HDDs multiple times... Still getting the BSODs. It is almost impossible to find the driver or drivers at fault! Along the way throughout all my searching for a solution I have found that Windows 7x64 seems to be experiencing this issue more than other OS versions.

-J-Mac (July 14, 2014, 09:29 PM)
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The Event Viewer.  There are also a couple of utilities that let you see the actual bsod and cause in place- for example BlueScreenView.


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