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Malwarebytes self-start problem

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My box is an AMD 4400+ dual-core running Win7Pro 32-bit with 3GB ram, and it has all it can handle running Norton 360 Premium Edition, plus CryptoPrevent and one or two other anti-malware programs.
I also installed the paid version of Malwarebytes, but found that this overloaded the OS during web surfing so much that the OS began crashing with BSOD on a daily basis.
So I searched for and found how to click on the option for Malwarebytes not to auto-start with OS start-up.
That way, I could activate it as I felt it was needed and also run scans and updates, but keep it off and in reserve most of the time to avoid the BSOD.
I found that if after every BSOD I ran CCleaner and then created a new System Restore Point, my OS recovers consistently, but it's sort of a 'given' that this is pushing my luck and the OS can only take so many BSODs before it fails to reboot anyway, which fortunately hasn't happened in quite a long time now.

The problem is that even with Malwarebytes set to not auto-start with boot-up, it stays off for anywhere from 3 to 6 or 8 minutes, then self-starts anyway completely unnoticed by me and often causing system overload and a BSOD.

It's gotten to the point that I'm considering uninstalling Malwarebytes to keep it from doing that.
I like Malwarebytes, and don't want to do that, and was hoping for any suggestions before I pull the plug on it?

It's a common problem that occurs when you do not have enough antivirus and antimalware.
Try adding a couple more, and you should have a completely unusable computer, instead of a partially messed up one.

Sorry for the sarcasm but couldn't help.

It's a common problem that occurs when you do not have enough antivirus and antimalware.
Try adding a couple more, and you should have a completely unusable computer, instead of a partially messed up one.

Sorry for the sarcasm but couldn't help.
-eleman (July 10, 2014, 07:00 AM)
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The ones that he's quoted so far are meant to be run at the same time since they cover different areas.

As far as Malwarebytes, there's a resident service that starts the app if it isn't running as a preventative against virii that shut down your protection.  In the menu it's referred to as the self-protection module.  Do you have this enabled?  And did you disable startup from within the app, or some other way?

It's a common problem that occurs when you do not have enough antivirus and antimalware.
Try adding a couple more, and you should have a completely unusable computer, instead of a partially messed up one.

Sorry for the sarcasm but couldn't help.
-eleman (July 10, 2014, 07:00 AM)
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The ones that he's quoted so far are meant to be run at the same time since they cover different areas.

As far as Malwarebytes, there's a resident service that starts the app if it isn't running as a preventative against virii that shut down your protection.  In the menu it's referred to as the self-protection module.  Do you have this enabled?  And did you disable startup from within the app, or some other way?
-wraith808 (July 10, 2014, 09:09 AM)
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Thank you very much, and I hated very much to untick the self-protection module, but a daily dose of BSODs is nothing to trifle with.
At least I did not have to completely uninstall it, and can still start it manually sometimes, and also do manual scans.

To eleman: your remark reminds me of an old Mad Magazine suggested cure for a broken leg; break other leg. =>

It's a common problem that occurs when you do not have enough antivirus and antimalware.
Try adding a couple more, and you should have a completely unusable computer, instead of a partially messed up one.

Sorry for the sarcasm but couldn't help.
-eleman (July 10, 2014, 07:00 AM)
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The ones that he's quoted so far are meant to be run at the same time since they cover different areas.

As far as Malwarebytes, there's a resident service that starts the app if it isn't running as a preventative against virii that shut down your protection.  In the menu it's referred to as the self-protection module.  Do you have this enabled?  And did you disable startup from within the app, or some other way?
-wraith808 (July 10, 2014, 09:09 AM)
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Nope, I unticked the self-protection module in advanced settings, and it's still self-starting.
I do hate to speak like this of disabling such important software, but it's either that or get BSODs on an almost daily basis.


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