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DONE: Volume Mixer instead of Master Volume Control

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Outstanding, works magnificently. Thank you!

The wonderful people over here at DonationCoder never cease to surprise me. Any suggestion for getting a borderless/undecorated/no title bar appearance?

Nice work, MilesAhead.  I'll move this to the finished section.

Outstanding, works magnificently. Thank you!

The wonderful people over here at DonationCoder never cease to surprise me. Any suggestion for getting a borderless/undecorated/no title bar appearance?
-guerillablood (July 04, 2014, 01:59 PM)
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Glad you like it.  You could play around with WinGet and WinSet changing the window style and exstyle attributes.  TopMost Toggle does it for Topmost style.  It has source and you can download here:

The ahk help has a chart with the styles.  What you describe sounds like Toolbar but I'm not sure.

Nice work, MilesAhead.  I'll move this to the finished section.
-skwire (July 04, 2014, 03:01 PM)
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Please help me . I want to have volume mixer instead of master volume but I didn't understood What I have to do . Coul you place help me ?


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