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DONE: Volume Mixer instead of Master Volume Control

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I'm looking for a better way to get to my volume mixer in one click, preferably without having to run another volume control program.

I was wondering if it's possible a AutoHotKey script could change this behavior to where I can click the volume icon in the tray and instead of getting the master volume control, it'd display the mixer, but in a window that functions like the master volume control in that, it is undecorated (no title bar/window borders) and hides/closes when it loses focus. If not a script perhaps a safe registry hack? ;)

I already have a simple AHK script that allows me to hold control and click the middle mouse button on the taskbar to get mixer to pop up in a new window (as it normally functions when you click the master volume control and click "Mixer") but I'm wondering if someone could put together a better way to accomplish this.

I'm willing to bet there is another 3rd party mixer that will do this for me, but I'd rather not install another program since the Windows 7 volume mixer does the job just fine and portability in something like an AHK script is preferred. Though I am open to suggestions of programs (with a focus on being as lightweight and portable as possible) if this request is simply too picky.

See if this works as expected.

--- ---~LButton  Up::
Sleep 250
If  (WinActive("ahk_exe SndVol.exe") )

The 250 is a quarter second delay to allow the window to open.  I've found 250 ms to be a good value for this purpose generally.

If you notice any delay or strange behavior in left button mouse click then it may need to be modified.  But the tilde prefix on the hotkey should allow the system to process mouse clicks normally... I hope.   :)

Edit:  I put a shortcut on my desktop because it can be difficult to click on a tray icon when the system is loading.  I forget where I got the Target line from.  But it opens the mixer:

%windir%\System32\SndVol.exe -T 49490633

Thanks Miles, the script works fine, but it didn't quite achieve what I was going for.

I already have a hotkey to open the mixer, I was just looking for something that changed the behavior of the mixer window slightly so that it would auto close when it lost focus.

Thanks Miles, the script works fine, but it didn't quite achieve what I was going for.

I already have a hotkey to open the mixer, I was just looking for something that changed the behavior of the mixer window slightly so that it would auto close when it lost focus.
-guerillablood (July 04, 2014, 08:39 AM)
--- End quote ---

OK.  Let me see if I can add that.

Please try this one

--- ---#SingleInstance force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

GotFocus := false

~LButton  Up::
Sleep 250
If  (WinActive("ahk_exe SndVol.exe") )
    GotFocus := true
    Settimer, CheckFocus

If  (WinActive("ahk_exe SndVol.exe") )
   ; If GotFocus is false window is likely not open anyway
    if (GotFocus)
      WinClose, ahk_exe SndVol.exe
     GotFocus := false


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