Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Volume Mixer instead of Master Volume Control
Please help me . I want to have volume mixer instead of master volume but I didn't understood What I have to do . Coul you place help me ?
-horroq (May 19, 2015, 07:52 PM)
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hi horroq,
download AutoHotKey (AHK) from this page:
(there's portable and installable versions there)
Now save the script below (click the copy or print link and save with a .ahk file-ending e.g. VolumeMixer.ahk
Please try this one
--- ---#SingleInstance force
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
GotFocus := false
~LButton Up::
Sleep 250
If (WinActive("ahk_exe SndVol.exe") )
GotFocus := true
Settimer, CheckFocus
If (WinActive("ahk_exe SndVol.exe") )
WinClose, ahk_exe SndVol.exe
-MilesAhead (July 04, 2014, 10:36 AM)
--- End quote ---
Open the script with AutoHotKey.
I havent used this script so not sure what it does.
It will show in the system tray - you can right-click the icon there for options
I havent used this script so not sure what it does.
--- End quote ---
I forgot what it did myself. After trying it I remembered. If it is running and you click the mouse on the speaker in the task tray, as soon as the volume control comes up it sends alt x to make the mixer come up. Then if you click somewhere else, like on the desktop, it closes the mixer window. Hmmm, I think I should add that to my general purpose hotkey file and use it myself. :)
Edit: I see where I didn't use the variable GotFocus for anything. I guess I should check it before bothering to close SndVol.exe. I'll edit the script. :)
Here is the script with a few enhancements and a custom icon, compiled to exe.
The source and icon are included. I added a global hotkey, control shift v
to open the volume mixer. Also single clicking on the SoundMixer.exe tray icon
will do it.
See about command in tray menu and/or Readme.txt file included in the .zip
You may download from my page:
Edit: seems the upload is corrupt. The connection died in the middle. I'll add another edit when I get the file to the page and check the MD5 to make sure it's OK.
Edit2: Been trying since 8:47 AM to upload a 365 kb zip file. Goes all the way until I click Upload Button. T"hen it's time for the spinning circle. I'll let you know if it ever gets there. :)
Edit3: I finally got through. I downloaded and the MD5Sum is a match. I'm running the program from the download now. It should be OK. :Thmbsup:
Edit4: I am back in the same boat. I tried to upload a revised zip file and it connects just long enough to corrupt the file on the server. As soon as I try to upload then I cannot upload or download anything. All I get is the dreaded spinning circle. If I get the file on I'll post Edit #5. :)
Edit5: OK. Uploaded new zip. Download it and checked MD5Sum. Seems we are good now. :)
Updated to version I redesigned it to be a bit more automatic. You should notice after opening the Volume Mixer using it, when you click someplace else, it closes the window more consistently. Also I removed the test for the Volume Mixer Window after every Left Mouse Button release. It uses polling at1/4 second intervals. Much smoother. Less chance of side effects.
Also it ignores commands while the About Box is open. See Readme.txt file included in the zip for the gory details. :)
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