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Why is so much software cracked?
Carol Haynes:
Basically it's a "how dare they price it beyond what I can/am willing to pay" and then using that argument as justification for piracy.-Cpilot (May 31, 2006, 01:51 PM)
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OK I give up - you obviously can't read what I wrote because I said precisely the opposite to what you are accusing me of ... I have tried to have a discussion in this thread about what you are saying but all you do is make negative and personal comments without putting forward any constructive ideas. What's the point?
The only acceptable constructive "ideas" here in this thread are basically this.
"Someone else has to accommodate us/me, my/our rights to what I/we deem to be entitled to supercede anyone else's rights to set a fair market price for their product. And in setting fair market price beyond what I/we think is reasonable cheats me out of what I/we feel entitled to."
Companies who sell this stuff don't just pick a figure out of the air and then charge what they want. They determine fair market value based on several factors. One being what their target market base will bear. Just like prices are determined with any other commodity.
You don't want constructive dialog, you just want everyone to agree with your assessment of entitlement.
Software is cracked so much for the same reason that shoplifters shoplift and people rob liquor stores. I know it ain't as sexy as "because it's a revolutionary statement against capitalism" or "we're really putting it to the man" but that's the way it is.
Just because you don't like hearing it don't make it untrue.
Carol Haynes:
The only acceptable constructive "ideas" here in this thread are basically this.
"Someone else has to accommodate us/me, my/our rights to what I/we deem to be entitled to supercede anyone else's rights to set a fair market price for their product. And in setting fair market price beyond what I/we think is reasonable cheats me out of what I/we feel entitled to."-Cpilot (May 31, 2006, 03:55 PM)
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All the software I have talked about I have purchased at market price. I am not arguing for myself.
Companies who sell this stuff don't just pick a figure out of the air and then charge what they want. They determine fair market value based on several factors.
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Utter rubbish - companies base their prices on how much they can screw out of users - some companies like the prestige of extremely high prices because it implies their product is best. It has absolutely nothing to do with fair market value - otherwise why does MS charge more than a third of the cost of a PC for Windows - which is already included with 99% of PCs ??
You don't want constructive dialog, you just want everyone to agree with your assessment of entitlement.
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How many constructive comments have you made to the discussion?
How many times have I accused people of supporting piracy without any grounds (even people, like me who have clearly stated that tjhey don't support piracy repeatedly)?
I've had enough - this is my last comment on this.
otherwise why does MS charge more than a third of the cost of a PC for Windows
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Yeah you see this indicates that you don't understand market dynamics.
Because they can get it, that's why. A corporation has to answer to it's stockholders, they invest their money and rightfully expect a return on their investment. If I owned MS stock I would expect them to charge whatever the market would bear to maximaze the return on my investment.
If people turn away from MS and buy other OS systems then the market will drive the price down.
Ever heard of Lindows?
If it were a viable alternative there would already be inroads into the MS market and would by virtue of reasonable competition cause market pressure to lower the price.
But it's not a viable alternative is it?
Apparently neither is Linux.
I hate to break it to everyone but MS will remain dominant until there is another company that comes along with a commercially viable, translation(profitable), alternative.
How many constructive comments have you made to the discussion?
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Well apparently you consider anything disagreeing with your position to not be constructive. Is it your intent to stifle arguments that are not in agreement with your own?
That the only valid comments are ones that agree with your position?
A discussion requires 2 sides. As I said it seems no one wants to hear anyone with an opposing view, just for everyone to agree with the assessment of entitlement.
I'm against pirated/stolen software.
I sort of believe that most companies must be intelligent enough to do their sums to calculate pricing to maximize their profit (profit including monetary, prestige, market share etc) and so if prices are high for some product, there must be a logical reason.
But I do have trouble with this:
They determine fair market value
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and this
Because they can get it, that's why.
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These seem rather contradictory to me. Also, I have a great deal of trouble understanding "fair market value" - Is it touchy feely code in business circles for "what we can get away with" or fair for everyone or fair for whom?
What is fair anyway?
I don't think "fairness" enters into 50% of the coporate world's thinking really, only a "protect our own interests" thinking, which I can understand, whether I like it or not
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