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Capture only part of a scrolling window

<< < (4/6) > >>


Thank you for your reply.

Before I get started...
How are you making previously posted comments/replies appear in aqua colored boxes ?
It does make things easier to read.

Below, between the  2 =========== lines are previously posted comments.
My new comments appear after each post, within the 2 ========= lines.
My replies each begin with Reply:


I numbered the above:
1) I'm unclear here: when you say 'Page 1', what do you mean - it should be one single image

When viewing the pdf file for the captured image, the image takes 3 screens/pages in Adobe reader, in order to view the entire saved image.
In other words,, I must scroll down in order to view the entire captured image.

When I copied the file info and pasted it into a Word document, only Page 1 of the pdf file (when viewed in Adobe reader) appeared pasted into the Word .doc file.  The document (image) was truncated.

2) same as above

See my comments to 1) (above)

3) PDF in Adobe Reader will print a large image here if my printer page-size is big enough for the image - otherwise it can print a detail, or 'fit-to-page'.

OK...let me ask a different question.
The captured image is a pdf file.
When viewed in Adobe reader, it fills about 2.5 screens on my laptop...I must scroll to view the entire capture.
If I try to print this, its either does a fit-to-page and prints a reduced image...or... only prints one page (of 3).
I believe that it only printed Page 2 (of 3).  Why page 2 ?  I have no idea.
It did not print the entire captured image.
Should it ???

Say that I have a pdf file that is some type of document, like a chapter for a book that is 15 pages long.
If I select Print, it will print the 15 single sided sheets, unless specified otherwise.
Why doesn't the image captured as pdf file (shown as 3 pages in Adobe reader) print on 3 sheets of paper ?
Should it ???

Quote from: DaleB on July 08, 2014, 12:12:02 PM
And, by capturing an integer number of successive full-screen snapshots, I am capturing more information than what I may want. Example:   I may only want to capture the area of 2.25 screens, but in order to do so, I must capture 3 full screens; thus, I have extra information that I may not want.
> capture only as much as you want - you will have a bigger overlap with the last two shots if you only want a quarter of a screen. SC seems to manage
> this quite well here.
> EDIT// no, not as successful as I thought - easiest solution would be to crop your image

EDIT// no, not as successful as I thought - easiest solution would be to crop your image
I do not understand what your reply.

The problem with cropping is that I cannot see the red rectangle to scroll down the screen

Say that the screen's horizontal width is X, and its vertical length is Y
Say that I want to crop a width x < x and a length y < Y.
After initial view of the red rectangle, it disappears.
So, I have no idea where it is if I am trying to scroll down the screen,

Am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you

*** UPDATE: ***

I just went back to look at things again...the pdf , jpg , and png files captured.
If I open the pdf file on Adobe reader, it fills about 2.5 screens (vertically) on my laptop,
yet, when I look at the top Adobe menu bar, near where it shows the % magnification,
it shows that it is viewing Page 1/1 : so there is only 1 page ... but it is long.

If I try to print it without using shrink-to-fit (fit-to-page), it crops a smaller area, vertically and horizontally to print.

If I drag & drop the pdf file into a Word document, it gets truncated vertically (along it length), and it is offset to the horizontally
to the right based on the doc's margins.  I must resize the file (grabbing its resize tabs at its corners) to make it fit within the Word document.

If I drag & drop the jpg file into a Word document, the file automatically gets resized (fit-to-page) basd on its length.

Similalry, for a png file.


Hi Dale,

*** UPDATE: ***

I just went back to look at things again...the pdf , jpg , and png files captured.
If I open the pdf file on Adobe reader, it fills about 2.5 screens (vertically) on my laptop,
yet, when I look at the top Adobe menu bar, near where it shows the % magnification,
it shows that it is viewing Page 1/1 : so there is only 1 page ... but it is long.

If I try to print it without using shrink-to-fit (fit-to-page), it crops a smaller area, vertically and horizontally to print.

If I drag & drop the pdf file into a Word document, it gets truncated vertically (along it length), and it is offset to the horizontally
to the right based on the doc's margins.  I must resize the file (grabbing its resize tabs at its corners) to make it fit within the Word document.

If I drag & drop the jpg file into a Word document, the file automatically gets resized (fit-to-page) basd on its length.

Similalry, for a png file.
-DaleB (July 15, 2014, 11:53 AM)
--- End quote ---

okay, that answers my questions about 'page 1' etc.
It's important to understand that SC creates a single image from your manual scroll.
You probably have an A4 printer - if the image is bigger than A4, it cannot print at full size on your printer - so it offers to print at fit-to-page, or it offers to print a selection/detail. When printing a detail, it will select the centre part of the image (that's why it picks page 2 of 3 pages) unfortunately this cannot by changed in Adobe Reader.

I'm on a Windows 8 machine, with Adobe Reader X1 (11)
Here's the print dialogue I see:

in this version, there is an option to print 'Poster' - this will print the image at 100% and break it up in as many pages as necessary. Do you have that on your version?

Re the Word problems - if you want a screenshot to go over multiple pages, you have to take multiple screenshots. (See also next post)

@mouser: was that ever implemented where a scrolling capture could be saved to multiple images?
(I think not, but amnt sure)

was that ever implemented where a scrolling capture could be saved to multiple images?
--- End quote ---
no, but now might be a good time to revive the request.

you have posted the technique that I have used in the past when i needed to print out a long capture on multiple pages -- by using the "poster" function in the printer.

note that asking SC to save a scrolling capture to multiple images will NOT result in as good a breakup of pages as a poster printing function will do in your printer driver, since the pagebreaks may not fall locally.

however, another option would be to add a more involved function to SC that would print to multiple pages (or split to multiple pages) based on some aspect ratio page size.. still, poster printing option in your printer driver seems the best and most general solution.

still, poster printing option in your printer driver seems the best and most general solution.
-mouser (July 15, 2014, 06:43 PM)
--- End quote ---

good point


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