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IDEA: drag window to edge automatically resizes it
it's certainly i nice feature but can we have it so that the third mouse button drag feature can be toggled on whether it snaps to grid or not?
i'd probably just use the 3rd mouse way just to move windows around without them snapping to grid but i can see the appeal of it doing the snap to grid also.
this isn't quite the same and maybe it's just less intuitive but how about just using the 3rd mouse button (without a right mouse click) to drag window contents but only if the cursor is positioned over the edge of a window. it may sound kind of strange but this would behave in a manner that 'windowblinds' skins work when they have a thicker window border as part of the skin - it uses the left mouse click, though, as there is a definable border to click on.
this 3rd button click on edge to move window would also be like how many of us are used to moving skinned windows around in some programs where you don't have to click on the title bar.
i'm just suggesting this method as it's a bit fiddly for me to click the 3rd mouse button and then the right mouse button and drag the mouse at the same time...
(that's a good point about the most important window coming first in the script - looks like i can define what i was after.)
Yes, it'll be possible to choose whether to snap or not to the grid. Possibly in the next version.
Making the window movable when pressing the middle mouse button, and close to the border is also easy.
As for moving the window like it's right now, it's similar to what you're referring. Notice this: you only have to press the middle mouse button, then click the right button, and drag the window. I find it very useful ;)
Ok.. Now, i'll use it the rest of the day, see if there are any bugs, and if not, tomorrow i should have a more complete version (with settings storing, gui, and such ;) )
excellent. i look forward to the next version.
if it's not a problem to implement all the features, i.e. the 3rd mouse button + right click to drag from anywhere and the 3rd mouse button solo to drag from window edge then i can't really ask for more.
the keyboard shortcuts are going to be something that users will expect so it would be nice to allow that for specific grid zones.
it's a fantastic job so far.
if it's not a problem to implement all the features, i.e. the 3rd mouse button + right click to drag from anywhere and the 3rd mouse button solo to drag from window edge then i can't really ask for more.
-nudone (May 30, 2006, 12:29 PM)
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Nope, no problem at all, that's only 4 more 'if' instructions ;)
the keyboard shortcuts are going to be something that users will expect so it would be nice to allow that for specific grid zones.
-nudone (May 30, 2006, 12:29 PM)
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Good point, i had forgotten about that. But i also want them ;)
Now.. Just to get your opinion, check this out: GridMove Alfa3
This one, works just like you asked in the first place! (at least, it should ;) )
It's faster, and easier, but i think it's more limited (this was the reason that made me not adopt this system), since it can't have any groups in the middle of the screen, and also a bit more anoying, since if you accidentally drag something out of the borders, you get some incorrect behaviour.
i like the alfa 3 version - for it to work properly it requires a timer feature so there is a delay between the drag and then the resize - this should avoid the accidental resizes i would hope, i.e. you have to hold the mouse down at the edge of the screen and on the title bar for a couple of seconds.
the second click feature that you've implemented so far does feel good, though, so i'm not too concerned about my 'screen edge' zones being discarded.
it was nice to see it working, so maybe if it was tweaked a bit further the 'screen edge' method could be a nice feature to enable or disable in 'gridmove'.
if you can provide the slight delay feature before the 'edge' triggers went to work then i'd have a better idea of whether the method was worthwhile. their would be a slight difference to how you've done things, though, as the 'screen edge trigger' wasn't really meant to be a part of the 'window resize zone'.
my idea was that there are two zones for each action. there is the 'trigger zone' this could be anywhere around the edge of the screen - and then there would be it's corresponding 'window resize zone' which could be anywhere on the screen.
so, as an example, i could drag and hold a window title bar over at the bottom right edge of the screen and after two seconds the trigger would be activated and the window i was holding would automatically jump to the center of the screen and resize to 1024 x 768 - there is no need for the trigger zone and the resize grid to be next to each other. i appreciate that wouldn't be very intuitive but my main aim was to just have something that 'flowed'.
i suppose it was really a bigger version of what you get when working with panels/panes inside macromedia software and acdsee - you just drag and release - no extra mouse clicks. i just extended it a bit further by not having the 'resize zone' as part of the trigger as i thought this would be more powerful.
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