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Portable Extension Warlock: specify that item dropped is a directory/folder?


There's a lot of programs (photo viewers, folder size calculators, ...) that take a folder path as their argument.

There's a lot of programs (photo viewers, folder size calculators, ...) that take a folder path as their argument.
-RichTWebGuy (June 18, 2014, 02:22 PM)
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Let me think about adding support for folders.

There's a lot of programs (photo viewers, folder size calculators, ...) that take a folder path as their argument.
-RichTWebGuy (June 18, 2014, 02:22 PM)
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Let me think about adding support for folders.
-hamradio (June 19, 2014, 11:17 AM)
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Old topic...but I am planning to add folder support by way of specifying a special variable to the Extensions section of each application to Portable Extension Warlock in the upcoming days/weeks (before the new year) just a FYI. :)


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