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Good bye. (originally About buying books, etc., especially at amazon's)

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Am I the only reader here who is utterly confused by this entire thread?
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-mouser (June 20, 2014, 08:56 AM)
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FWIW, although it required noticeable effort to read for me (he he, getting old), I found the content understandable and interesting.

Am I the only reader here who is utterly confused by this entire thread?
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-mouser (June 20, 2014, 08:56 AM)
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FWIW, although it required noticeable effort to read for me (he he, getting old), I found the content understandable and interesting.
-ewemoa (June 20, 2014, 07:22 PM)
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Excellent! Going forward, you can be our 'official' Rosetta Stone.   ;D :P

Am I the only reader here who is utterly confused by this entire thread?
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-mouser (June 20, 2014, 08:56 AM)
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FWIW, although it required noticeable effort to read for me (he he, getting old), I found the content understandable and interesting.
-ewemoa (June 20, 2014, 07:22 PM)
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Excellent! Going forward, you can be our 'official' Rosetta Stone.   ;D :P
-40hz (June 20, 2014, 08:41 PM)
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I think Mouser and Tao pinned it down.  After a while, you get critted by walls of text, and it becomes difficult to read... so you stop.  But of course, unless you're just posting to get things down, it can feel lonely after a while as no one responds if no one reads.

But of course, unless you're just posting to get things down, it can feel lonely after a while as no one responds if no one reads.
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That of course, is the most cruel and ironic problem with writing long posts -- sometimes the more work you put into writing a long post, the less likely it is that others will be able to absorb it all and be able to respond..

Too right.

(btw- congrats on 33,000!  Is there a thread that one posts in when they hit 33k?)

Good bye. (originally About buying books, etc., especially at amazon's)


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