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Patents given away? Elon Musk blazing a different sort of trail.

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I understand that, but just the same only 16% of the world's electric power comes from renewable sources. Period. So if all owners of electric vehicles wanted to charge their cars from renewable sources then there will very soon be a point where there isn't enough such power to cover all the electric vehicles.
-J-Mac (June 14, 2014, 10:49 PM)
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And it would hopefully fuel interest in it.  The reason that only 16% comes from renewable sources is because of the fact that it costs more and so the demand for higher cost energy when lower cost alternatives are available just isn't there.

Yeah, but it's got to get there. As is often the case, people will realize it late and then there'll be a mad rush to develop and build more renewable plants.

(OK - The real poop? We won't have much more renewable energy until the oil and gas industry positions themselves to make the most possible money from it. Sad, but you know that will happen.)


our carbon footprint -J-Mac (June 14, 2014, 10:49 PM)
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More carbon dioxide is better for plants. ;D BIOMASS! (From MARIJUANA!  :Thmbsup: )

It's a virtuous circle:

Coal > CO2 > Marijuana > world peace because everyone is stoned & biomass energy > CO2 > Marijuana...  :Thmbsup:

What's not to love/smoke?  8)

Yeah, but it's got to get there. As is often the case, people will realize it late and then there'll be a mad rush to develop and build more renewable plants.

(OK - The real poop? We won't have much more renewable energy until the oil and gas industry positions themselves to make the most possible money from it. Sad, but you know that will happen.)

-J-Mac (June 15, 2014, 12:27 AM)
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There are a lot of very interesting nascent technologies out there, e.g. Thorium reactors. But, they'll be suppressed until the big power companies/interests can rape them for as much $$$ as possible.

I'm not keen on wind as there are very real problems there that mainstream science ignores. I've ranted about that elsewhere and provided evidence on the topic that proves that mainstream science has its head up its arse.

Wraith is right about some technologies not being cost efficient at the moment. e.g. Payback on solar is only viable thanks to subsidies and government regulation, which means that recouping costs is entirely artificial, i.e. a lie. Still, I like solar as it's clean.

There are other problems with electricity though. It causes radiation, and those effects still aren't very well known, although we do know that in some situations/configurations it is lethal.

From what I can remember, going back to Maxwell's original equations, there is a type of mathematics (Hamiltonian something something) that is dropped from the simplified version used today. If there is any loss of fidelity there, then we're dealing with something that we are fundamentally not understanding properly. It wouldn't be the first time though. Same goes for Einstein's field equations leaving out torque (see Nassim Haramein's work in physics there). Mainstream science is very good at latching on to something and then calling it a day even when evidence shows it isn't correct.

Tesla, with the kind of leadership it has now, could very well be one of the most important pioneers in the future of energy.

If we take Tesla at face value, this patent move may well spur on or inspire others in the patent and energy worlds.

Tesla, with the kind of leadership it has now, could very well be one of the most important pioneers in the future of energy.

If we take Tesla at face value, this patent move may well spur on or inspire others in the patent and energy worlds.
-Renegade (June 15, 2014, 07:21 AM)
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This.  The way that he was willing to invest his own money in the concept- and then succeed?  That's the kind of forward thinking we need.  And unless someone is willing to lead, it's unlikely that any will follow.

That's what's most exciting about what's being done with Tesla.  Not the car- but the leadership in a positive direction.  And that positive direction resulting in commercial success.  You don't have to be cut-throat to succeed.

And that positive direction resulting in commercial success.  You don't have to be cut-throat to succeed.
-wraith808 (June 15, 2014, 12:11 PM)
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^ That!  :Thmbsup:


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