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Patents given away? Elon Musk blazing a different sort of trail.

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Aren't two > signs physics-speak for "thing on left much much bigger than thing on right"?

Aren't two > signs physics-speak for "thing on left much much bigger than thing on right"?
-ewemoa (June 13, 2014, 06:45 PM)
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I thought so... but then I saw the ambiguity of it since >> is also a bit-shift.

Aren't two > signs physics-speak for "thing on left much much bigger than thing on right"?
-ewemoa (June 13, 2014, 06:45 PM)
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I thought so... but then I saw the ambiguity of it since >> is also a bit-shift.
-wraith808 (June 13, 2014, 08:45 PM)
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Hehehe! Confusion only programmers would be afflicted with! ;D  :Thmbsup:

Tesla is a fantastic company for soooo many reasons.

Electricity is a far better energy source than fossil fuel for a lot of reasons, but at the top of my list is that you can generate electricity fairly easily on your own whereas you cannot produce fossil fuel period. This makes electric cars much more independent.

So imagine this...

You go to the theatre to watch the latest zombie apocalypse movie set in the not-too-distant future.

But in that future, people have solar arrays and geo-thermal electrical generators.

What's missing from the movie? People fighting over gasoline or struggling to find gasoline. They simply plug in to refuel their vehicles in an off-the-beaten-path remote location away from the zombie armies of darkness, and then they are on their way.

Or in any other post-apocalypse dystopian flick. Same deal. Electricity is far more abundant than fossil fuel. (Cue searches for plasma cosmology and plasma physics...)

Oh, and since electric cars are silent (mostly), they're easier to use in zombie infested areas!!!  :Thmbsup:

And when you look at Tesla car specs... wow. Just. Wow.

It's simply stunning that the big car manufacturers haven't been able to do this. I really wonder what's wrong with them. They have serious problems, and I suspect that the problems are systemic. We see the exact same kinds of lack of innovation in other large companies/industries, e.g. telcos haven't managed to improve the quality of voice communications in a century. ::facepalm::

It's simply stunning that the big car manufacturers haven't been able to do this. I really wonder what's wrong with them. They have serious problems, and I suspect that the problems are systemic. We see the exact same kinds of lack of innovation in other large companies/industries, e.g. telcos haven't managed to improve the quality of voice communications in a century. ::facepalm::
-Renegade (June 13, 2014, 09:53 PM)
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The answer is very simple.

Elon Musk is Tony Stark.

Elon Musk is Tony Stark.
-wraith808 (June 13, 2014, 10:09 PM)
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HAHAHA~! ;D  :Thmbsup:


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