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Android: (Wired) File Transfers from PC

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If you root your device, apps such as ES File Explorer can do just about anything you need them to do.

The only solutions I've found was to make my desktop computer an FTP server.
-CWuestefeld (June 11, 2014, 04:16 PM)
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I've done the reverse too, make the phone behave as an FTP server -- FileExpert and other Android apps provide this functionality.  Not too happy about unnecessary wireless connections or having to look after more servers though so I try to avoid this most of the time.

I use two pretty comfortable ways of file transfer:

My Phone Explorer (a.k.a. MPE):

and Total Commander with the ADB plugin:

MPE is a really useful free tool for all windows and android users, I can heartily recommend it!

@ewemoa et. al.:

There is a well hidden setting in most phones/tablets that let's you switch from MTP to Mass Storage:
Settings>Storage>Menu Button (the one with the three dots top right corner)>USB Computer Connection

There are three general pieces of advice I would like to give to people with driver/connection problems:

1.) Settings>Developer Options> Check "Allow Mock Locations" and "USB debugging" if you cannot connect thru ADB
2.) Use USBDeview from to clean up unused or not working USB driver device entries (may help with BSODs etc.)
3.) Use Moborobo from (could possibly be borderline spyware - so watch out for yourself) which brings it's own drivers and see if you can connect (will also do the file transfer thing - just beware of my warning re. possible spyware)

I've been using DocsToGo (DataViz) with my Kindle Fire HD.  Works fine. 
The KFHD does have some MAJOR annoyances regarding file transfer.  My fave calendar app is Pimlical.  There is a Java PC version, and an Android version.  The Android version does work on the Kindle, but apparently the Kindle is totally invisible to Java (and many other Windows apps) so I cannot use the sync utility... 


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