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IDEA: Undo damage to jpegs caused by "Remove Properties and Personal Info" cmd


A friend sent me some jpeg images from a Facebook page. I tried to "un-Facebook" the images by clicking on each picture's properties followed by the cmd (command) "Remove Properties and Personal Information." Doing this trashed all of the jpegs and this Windows task lacks an "undo" button.  I spent last night looking for an affordable program ($20 or so) but couldn't find anything, so, having found some cool programs before here (especially URL Snooper) I decided to ask. Thanks.


Hi Bob,
I'm probably out of my depth here in terms of actively helping, but I think some more info could help your request:

1) what *exactly* do you mean by 'trashed' ?
2) did you find any paid programmes that you reckon would fix the problem (to help better understanding)
just to rule it out:
3) have you any way of recovering the images from source/s (friend or FB) ?


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