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Soccer World Cup 2014

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40, I can identify. I feel that way about most popular sports. Cricket is one of the most boring sports ever invented and the level one is exposed to it here is, literally, nauseating.

I can get into tennis and atheletics in addition to soccer. The more I understand the intricacies of a sport, the more I tend to like it. And there's nothing like a (small, friendly) wager to really fire up the interest level for an event.

Spain and England out
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England was out before Germany had even played its second game. (Ouch!)
Guess Portugal is on its way out too? Lots of big name causalities. Brazil have been rather lackluster too, esp. considering the home advantage. I'm hoping they don't manage to step it up in the later stages, though that would make for some amazing matches.

I was really hoping that Iran could have pulled it off just to witness Argentina's reaction
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;D   - there you go 40, yet another reason to get into these things... schadenfreude. GO, GERMANY!!  :D

The play at this world cup has been consistently exciting -- well beyond the last couple world cups, imho.  Great stuff.

^agreed :up:

I was trying to find a match schedule based around each group as opposed to an overview.
This one from the Telegraph is good, it's actually a 'predictor':

Soccer World Cup 2014

this one below is a lot more interesting though - - it's interactive (html5) and seems to have everything you could want:

Nice finds -- thanks for sharing those.  :up:


"They cooked us in 90 minutes"


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