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Stuff We Feel Like Bitching About
@wraith808 your post makes me think about censorship. There used to be George Carlin's 7 dirty words. But the situation has deteriorated to the point where radio call-in shows are censoring euphemisms for the forbidden words. Imagine if Clark Gable didn't give us the ability to say "damn" then all euphemisms for it would now also be banned. So on the sports talk show when the radio personality asks "why the heck did the coach call such a stupid darned play?" they would have to bleep the word "darned" and after a year or so they would ban "hell" so the word "heck" would have to be bleeped. And of course forget about a word starting with 'p' that sometimes refers to felines but often not. :)
At some point the talk shows will sound like midi sampling with some dialog mixed in.
But on your apology point, what I don't quite get is the double think that allows celebrity "scum" who had their names dragged through the scandal press(probably a redundancy these days I admit) to go about their jobs as if someone lifted the film on the magic slate. If none of the stuff was true how is it that guys like Marv Albert weren't awarded millions for defamation? Something is really strange.
But it does look like the Clippers owner messed up his chance to cry for Barbara Walters. But his "punishment" may be selling his team for the most money for an NBA team ever. Maybe that made it tough for him to shed a tear if he knew that deal was in the offing. Makes me wonder how I can screw up royally so I can set myself up for a lavish retirement. :)
@Renegade the gun that shocked me most was maybe 7 or 8 years ago. I picked someone up at the airport. Not only was the arriving passengers area separated from those waiting by a storm fence from floor to ceiling, but a 200 LB female security guard paced up and down with a Thompson submachine gun. I hope they didn't give her live ammo. Perhaps it was a bluff deterrent but it sure felt like America was spelled with a 'k' all of a sudden. Cheap air fares came at a really high price. :(
-MilesAhead (June 07, 2014, 04:59 PM)
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The gun that shocked me the most was the one that was pointed at me with a shaking hand behind it from a security guard. See, I went to an all male college. And I had friends at the all women's college next door. I was walking a friend back to campus after studying at the library. She got back before curfew, and we stood on opposite sides of the fence, still talking about our work. The security guard said that I'd have to step away from the fence. So I did. 'Far enough' in that 18 year old kid mentality... but not so far that we couldn't talk. So then he said that's not far enough, and I needed to leave. I told him that I went to the college right across the street (which was pretty obvious) and we were talking about our project and needed to get the final touches and she was in on time for curfew... and all we were doing was talking...
...and all while I was saying that, he was unfastening his holster, pulled out the biggest gun I'd ever seen (I hadn't seen any other than on tv, so take that for what it is- but it looked dirty harry size), pulled back the hammer with shaking hands, and said I needed to go.
... so I did what any sensible person would do when faced with senselessness. I backed away. I didn't turn my back on him, but I backed away slowly. And only after I was gone, did I start to breathe again.
I have nothing against guns. It's just certain people should not be allowed to (mis)handle them.
Oh, and I found out later that the security guard was on trial for shooting a student in the bathroom in a sketchy situation, and had been fired. I dodged a not-just-metaphorical bullet with that one.
@wraith808 your post makes me think about censorship. There used to be George Carlin's 7 dirty words. But the situation has deteriorated to the point where radio call-in shows are censoring euphemisms for the forbidden words. Imagine if Clark Gable didn't give us the ability to say "damn" then all euphemisms for it would now also be banned. So on the sports talk show when the radio personality asks "why the heck did the coach call such a stupid darned play?" they would have to bleep the word "darned" and after a year or so they would ban "hell" so the word "heck" would have to be bleeped. And of course forget about a word starting with 'p' that sometimes refers to felines but often not. :)
At some point the talk shows will sound like midi sampling with some dialog mixed in.
But on your apology point, what I don't quite get is the double think that allows celebrity "scum" who had their names dragged through the scandal press(probably a redundancy these days I admit) to go about their jobs as if someone lifted the film on the magic slate. If none of the stuff was true how is it that guys like Marv Albert weren't awarded millions for defamation? Something is really strange.
But it does look like the Clippers owner messed up his chance to cry for Barbara Walters. But his "punishment" may be selling his team for the most money for an NBA team ever. Maybe that made it tough for him to shed a tear if he knew that deal was in the offing. Makes me wonder how I can screw up royally so I can set myself up for a lavish retirement. :)
-MilesAhead (June 07, 2014, 05:17 PM)
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I remember an interview with Alec Baldwin. OK... so he's crazy at times. But in this interview, he recounted something that happened after one of his supposed rampages against Anderson Cooper (or someone... I forget. Like I said, he's crazy at times).
But on this particular one, they called him out for calling someone... well a *sucker, which is apparently an anti-gay slur (who knew? I didn't). So he walks into a GLAAD office and has a sit down with someone there, and they start in on him doing more for GLAAD and getting his PR fixed... and he basically said, I don't want any of that. That he wasn't going to represent them in exchange for washing his image. He wanted to be truly educated on what they wanted (from the perspective of making sure that he wasn't portraying himself as anti-gay), and then armed with true knowledge, he'd then divorce himself from their causes period.
Now see, that's a form of truth. Educate... don't hold hostage. Especially not in exchange for washing their sins away. No tit for tat, no money for keeping your mailing lists from boycotting me. Anything else other than education is blackmail of another stripe.
But on this particular one, they called him out for calling someone... well a *sucker, which is apparently an anti-gay slur (who knew? I didn't).
-wraith808 (June 07, 2014, 05:39 PM)
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PC crap drives me nuts.
The South Park episode "The 'F' Word" is really good. All the kids run around calling a bunch of loud bikers "faggots". I remember when I was a kid before I had any idea what sex was, much less any idea about homosexuality, that everyone said "fag" and it was pretty much the same as "jerk" or "spaz".
What I see quite often is a bunch of thin-skinned candy-ass pansies that are just looking for a reason to be "offended".
Here's a good example of a bunch of whiny &*%^*&^s (check the cartoon at the link):
The Toronto Sun sparked controversy Thursday with a controversial cartoon mocking Ontario Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne.
The illustration by longtime Sun cartoonist Andy Donato — showing broken glasses, bloody teeth and a Wynne pin — ran just two days after the provincial leaders' debate.
Polls from both Ipsos and Forum Research suggest PC Leader Tim Hudak was seen as the night's winner.
While it's not clear if the illustration was making a point about the debate, it nonetheless left more than a few people with the impression the newspaper was making light of violence against women.
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The perpetual victims look for any opportunity to turn any situation into some "social issue".
The fact there is that the Premiere of Ontario had her ass handed to her in the debate. The fact that she's a woman has zero to do with it. But... you know the whiners... MUST.FIND.VICTIMIZATION.IN.EVERYTHING!
What I've found, in general, is that these kinds of people cannot be reasoned with. At all. Ever. They are incapable of trying to understand what anyone is saying unless it's just one massive circle jerk. You can point out that the skies are particularly clear today and they'll accuse you of saying it's raining. (Go on Reddit and you'll see a lot of this - I'm not exaggerating - people will accuse you of saying the exact opposite of what you said.) They have no ability to give anything a charitable read and only hear what they want to hear, which is invariably that you're a racist/sexist/homophobic/elitist/child-beating/whatever SOB.
Stoic Joker:
PC crap drives me nuts.
The South Park episode "The 'F' Word" is really good. All the kids run around calling a bunch of loud bikers "faggots". I remember when I was a kid before I had any idea what sex was, much less any idea about homosexuality, that everyone said "fag" and it was pretty much the same as "jerk" or "spaz".-Renegade (June 07, 2014, 09:12 PM)
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Yes, but you see that was back in our day when the colloquial wisdom of the time persisted that sticks and stones would break ones bones, but words would never hurt you.
Now however we have the hyper reactive shrinking violet movement's new-think assertion that [affect theatrical crying jag] Words Hurt! [/end theatrical crying jag] ...Which is just flat out retarded on so many levels I can't even begin to try counting them. The whole thing is just devolving into an idiotic witch hunt spearheaded by a bunch of smug completely out of touch with reality assholes that think that they are morally superior simply because they haven't been caught up in their own machine yet.
What I see quite often is a bunch of thin-skinned candy-ass pansies that are just looking for a reason to be "offended".
-Renegade (June 07, 2014, 09:12 PM)
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And the really funny part about all this is that ^they^ are the very same people that created the problem in the ****ing first place by forcing the previously established and working system to start persecuting the actual victims. Because back in the day everybody knew who the real bullies were, and when they occasionally ran into someone that had the panache to call their bluff...the then well deserved beating was quietly overlooked as it should be. But then in came the stampede of whine-pants idiots that can't accept the simple fact that their "little angel" just so happens to be a total asshole.
So the environment now is one in which the only "acceptable" form of recourse is to run crying with piss filled knickers to "mommy" - be that a teacher cop or other authority figure - to "protect" you from bad people because of the harsh penalties that are levied against anyone foolish enough to stand up for themselves.
I say screw all the hand holding nonsense, and stiffen the penalties for bothering the police with petty bullshit. Then make it perfectly legal to punch someone in the face (only once) for saying something that is incredibly rude or stupid. I bet it won't take more than 6 months for folks to start falling back into the 1950's era version of polite interaction.
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