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Disable Ctrl Q


I wish there was a way to disable the Ctrl+Q hotkey.
Many other programs use it to QUIT the application, so I got into the habit of pressing it when finished. Accidentally deleting the active screenshot in the process.

Why do we need Ctrl+Q if we have DEL that does the same thing? Apart from many other ways to delete. Very non-standard and confusing, with no apparent advantage over the usual methods of deleting.

I wish there was a way to disable the Ctrl+Q hotkey.
Many other programs use it to QUIT the application, so I got into the habit of pressing it when finished. Accidentally deleting the active screenshot in the process.-ScreenManiac (May 30, 2014, 12:22 AM)
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Yes, I've requested this be changed in the past. Most graphics programmes, but also many others (e.g. Softmaker Office programmes) use it to close.

I was so used to using it, that I started to use an AHK script to force *all* windows to close with Ctrl+Q. This is a workaround for SC, as it also closes it's window (rather than delete the current screenshot). (I dont have it yet on this machine, will post it later here.)

Ok I'm convinced, I will change it in next release and make Ctrl+Q do nothing.

Why do we need Ctrl+Q if we have DEL that does the same thing?
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The rationale would be that the delete key is context-sensitive.  Depending on where you are in the user interface it will do different things; wheras a hotkey to delete the current image should work in multiple places.  But perhaps it isn't needed..

But perhaps it isn't needed..
-mouser (May 30, 2014, 06:42 AM)
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or just give it another key combo?
e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Q (?)

Thanks for considering it. Looking forward to the change.
Just like tomos I have no objections to a different hotkey like Ctrl Del or Ctrl Shift Q or whatever.


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