I have been playing around with the Crop feature and so far I really like what I am seeing. It appears the Crop may work will with my setup. I think I may get it to do most (or all) of what I need. I have a few questions.
In the Scan Options there is an option of "Select Foreground". I assume this will show the selection of what you are about to be crop. Is this right?
I have not seen an Icon on the toolbars to do this. Is there some way this can be done in the main part of the program? I have found that increasing or decreasing the threshold with the threshold Icon at the bottom of the screen will bring up the selection box, but I need some way of getting at this by using AutoHotkey's "Send" command (sends out keystrokes to Screenshot Captor). I suppose I could get really fancy and use AutoHotkey's Image search to find the threshold Icon and click on it but would I rather not have to do this and don't know how reliable it would be.
For the books that I do need the 1/2 inch black edge, I am thinking I can semi Automate this. I would automatically Select the area Screenshot Captor would Crop (using a Screenshot Captor "Select Foreground" selection - if available in a menu or in some other way in the main part of the program), then I would bring up an Excel Dialog box with instructions to move the selection book 1/2 inch to the top and left and expand the box in the other direction so that there is 1/2 inch black around the whole book. Once a the selection is moved and expanded clicking on a "Continue Button" on the Excel Dialog would instruct Excel to Close or Minimize Screenshot Captor continue to gather the rest of the Info for the Item.
Is there any way of telling Screenshot captor to move the upper corner of the threshold selection by an X,Y offset and then tell it to make the selection X,Y units bigger. If this can somehow be done then I could completely automate the process. If this cannot be done I would like to put it up for a future feature. What are the chances something like this might be added? I know the priority may be fairly low since perhaps few people would use it?
Thanks much,
Again I love Screenshot Captor
I have been using it for quite a while with a Scanner, and now may be able to increase my speed a lot for this new Application by using the WebCam feature and automate things more as well.