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Switzerland-based ProtonMail, yet another secure email service

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Well... damn.  :(

I wonder what anyone thinks of Yandex; I like that they don't require a mobile number.

I wonder what anyone thinks of Yandex; I like that they don't require a mobile number.
-holt (March 27, 2016, 03:57 PM)
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That looks like a link to a mobile-based email service, which is apparently not "secure" in the same context as this thread (is it?).

I wonder what anyone thinks of Yandex; I like that they don't require a mobile number.
-holt (March 27, 2016, 03:57 PM)
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That looks like a link to a mobile-based email service, which is apparently not "secure" in the same context as this thread (is it?).
-IainB (March 27, 2016, 07:19 PM)
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Good point about 'not secure', which is why I combine it with Tor. What does 'mobile-based' mean, please? I do need it to be cellphone-free and workable with Tor, which it is, and I appreciate your comments very much. PS - I see that Yandex comes in at the #2 spot in's Top 10 Free Email Services for 2016.

@holt: Eh? I'm rather confuzzled now.
Your earlier post hadn't mentioned anything about "...I combine it with Tor", so I don't know what that's about.

In your second post, the "Top 10 " link refers to Yandex as "...Yandex.Mail could function as a full we-based IMAP client" - that is, if it was upgraded. That's what i meant about mobile-only - the site you linked to earlier seemed to indicate that actually Yandex.Mail wasn't a pukka web-based IMAP client.
I only posted my comment to suggest politely that you might have posted your comment in a thread where it was not relevant.

I'm sure Yandex is very good (Why wouldn't it be?), but - and I could be wrong, of course - it doesn't seem to be trying to portray itself as providing a secure encrypted email service such as ProtonMail - does it?   :tellme:


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