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Our experiences with LED light bulb replacements
Lumens measure light output and Watts measure energy input. They are two different things altogether.
When you see an LED bulb listed as "60 Watts equivalent" that means that it puts out light equivalent to the light put out by a 60 Watt incandescent
-xtabber (October 29, 2015, 03:48 PM)
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Yes, they are two (2) different things. However, both lighting elements require energy input of the same nature. What I seek is a table, chart, nomograph, call it what you will, that provides me with some equivalency of output. Many of the LEDs I've seen do not offer that information on the packaging. (I'd also like to know the energy consumption of a given luminosity.)
As mouser mentioned, the significant cause for his research was heat. Since most of my room lighting is enclosed, that is also a concern for me, mostly in regard to service life. So the question becomes, in part, can I put a greater light source in the same enclosure? If so, how long might it last? These are not questions I would normally ask of the seller, particularly an online seller against whom I's have little opportunity for redress.
Aside[ If they stop making incandescents, what happens to My Little Oven?]
can I put a greater light source in the same enclosure?
-barney (October 31, 2015, 02:47 PM)
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This relates to both heat and also electrical current (limited by wire gauge in a light fixture). I think LED bulbs are awesome because I can put a "60W equivalent" bulb in old lamps that specify no more then 25W!
Buddy replaces lighting in a garage.
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