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Free Web Space if you already have free domain?
Good enough Miles.
A guy from the other service named Charles Decker posted a note over at FWS, and says you can email him directly if you want to see what he can offer.
Hi Charles,
That potential client says he wants to try to start out simple and needs
ftp site
- can you help?
---End Quote---
Yeah, I can set something up if he's still looking. I can be contacted directly at: [email protected] and we can get started.
Thanks. I started to play around with this tool I'm checking out. I found a review for it. It is definitely not for blog sites. It's designed for static pages. Might not be bad if the template may be designed easily. It doesn't do drag and drop positioning bit stuff like banner titles and text blocks you just double click to edit. It's Site Spinner and retails for $50. It would seem made for personal pages.
Due to malware attack and other considerations I don't really want to be involved in the hosting end of it. I just want to have the customer satisfied with it and publish it. Then it's between the customer and the provider. But we'll see. Since I'm around MDC campus all the time and the only C++ Programming class offered is "Absolute Beginner" I'm thinking some unfortunate souls may take it as their first programming language. Tutoring to the rescue. That may be simpler to get started.
Thanks for your interest. :)
I did some web page design for my business clients in the 1990's.
I used ... and still have a small account with them.
They were cheap and had all that I wanted/needed.
At that time I subscribed to a plan where you could host "unlimited" websites.
I used to set up the "draft" website to show the client... and then pass it on to them to host "wherever".
This was just a little diversion for me....... there was little money to be made from it.
I imagine that has not changed much.
@hornet thanks for the benefit of your experience. The not much to be made from it seems prevalent no matter what it is these days. :) My best bet for a steady paycheck is probably help desk. The language barrier isn't likely to help any though. :)
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