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RightNote Revisited / Review (in lieu of a RN forum)

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RightNote should have a forum. I am happy to use this one.
Anyone tried storing (AND USING) the databases on OneDrive OR Google drive ?
So as to use from multiple PCs (W8.1 and now W11)
I have RightNote Pro, W8.1 Pro, W11 Pro

I use the portable version of RightNote in a Dropbox folder with the databases in the same folder.  It's been working fine.  One is on a laptop and the other on a desktop, both Win10.  I just make sure only one instance is open at a time. 

Very interesting, thank you! This is a typical program's fault you'll never get to know just by trialling, and slow-down and crashing even in the 3-digit range is more than a pity!


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