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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Bye-bye Wi-Fi?

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Now of course I know nothing about the type of regulation on this but if it works along the same lines as a wireless home phone seems like there is little the FCC could do.
-nickodemos (May 11, 2014, 05:46 PM)
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There may or may not be little that can be done under current rules and laws.

But governments can always grant themselves additional or new powers. See tha Patriot Act for some examples.

Fifty years ago, the idea of the US government operating an incarceration and interrogation center like that found in Guantanamo Bay would have not only been unthinkable, it would have also been seen as unequivocally illegal and an unconstitutional abuse of Executive power.

But under the last two presidents, the Executive branch and Justice Department have not only argued that it is legal - but also beyond the authority of the US Supreme Court (which according to the US Constitution is the supreme and final legal authority in the United States) to intervene in any manner - or rule on its continued existence.

So please don't say there's nothing the government can do. Governments can do pretty much whatever they want when they feel the need. And they usually do. Most times with minimal resistance from the people under their rule.

All it takes is one little signature on a piece of paper and the rules have been changed. :huh:


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