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Broforce ("Bro Force")

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@TaoPhoenix: I did wonder about the violence etc., but by the time my son had found Broforce, he had already found several other gruesome addictive/fun games - e.g., including "Must Have Brains", the zombie "Earn To Die" + ETD2, 2012 and 2012/2. (From memory those were the names.)
His older sister had initially shown him how to play some nice cute kiddie-friendly free games, but he kept clicking on links to discover lots of new/different games - most of which he preferred to the "cute" games. I started bookmarking the ones he liked and needed us to help him with, and he knows to use use the bookmarks to go back to them. He finds some of them a bit scary - e.g., "Must Have Brains" and one with "good" and "bad" spheres that you can turn into squares and back to spheres and have to solve to get rid of the baddies (roll them off the screen into an abyss) and leave just the goodies.) - but enjoys the puzzle/problem-solving they challenge you with. He gets a bit scared by any games that are difficult to defeat and which "kill" his player (e.g., the "BombIt" series and Broforce), though he enjoys the animation and music. That's when he asks his sister and I for help. He was very pleased with himself the other day when he saw how surprised I was at how expeditiously he overcame the challenge of a difficult Broforce level that a month or so ago would have been impossible for him. One forgets how quickly little kids pick things up by trial-and-error learning, given half a chance.

@TaoPhoenix: I did wonder about the violence etc., but by the time my son had found Broforce, he had already found several other gruesome addictive/fun games - e.g., including "Must Have Brains", the zombie "Earn To Die" + ETD2, 2012 and 2012/2. (From memory those were the names.)
His older sister had initially shown him how to play some nice cute kiddie-friendly free games, but he kept clicking on links to discover lots of new/different games - most of which he preferred to the "cute" games. I started bookmarking the ones he liked and needed us to help him with, and he knows to use use the bookmarks to go back to them. He finds some of them a bit scary - e.g., "Must Have Brains" and one with "good" and "bad" spheres that you can turn into squares and back to spheres and have to solve to get rid of the baddies (roll them off the screen into an abyss) and leave just the goodies.) - but enjoys the puzzle/problem-solving they challenge you with. He gets a bit scared by any games that are difficult to defeat and which "kill" his player (e.g., the "BombIt" series and Broforce), though he enjoys the animation and music. That's when he asks his sister and I for help. He was very pleased with himself the other day when he saw how surprised I was at how expeditiously he overcame the challenge of a difficult Broforce level that a month or so ago would have been impossible for him. One forgets how quickly little kids pick things up by trial-and-error learning, given half a chance.
-IainB (May 11, 2014, 06:17 PM)
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Heh I hope the tone on this doesn't misfire, it's meant in innocent humor:

(Speak-to-child voice) Yezhs you are! You're my little science experiment! Did you beat another BroForce level today? Good boy! Now remember you can never do that for real. Got it? Games only. Then you can be as vicious as you like!"

(20 years later Iain's son goes on to become a world shaker)

Get 'Turrican' from GoG if you want (in my opinion) the best game of this type. The (pre-)teen hours I wasted on that game...
Challenging and you do need time to get around each level because they are very big.

Oh, wait...better go after 'Hurrican', this is a freeware game that draws heavily on the concepts of 'Turrican'. It is practically 'Turrican' but with updated graphics.

Crap, that level with the gunship is really hard (I also think it the final boss and after that this particular version of the game ends).
Not even with Brobocop I manage to hit the gunship enough to take it down.
-Shades (May 11, 2014, 03:48 PM)
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Wow, that was fast work! You must be pretty good at this. It took me quite a l-o-n-g while (many retries) to get past a couple of the immediately preceding levels (before the flying gunship one). I suspect it might indeed be the last level in the prototype, and maybe was made impossible to beat for that reason - if you know there are higher levels, you usually want to take on the challenge of getting to them.
Chuck Norris (has the laser target bomb strike special weapon) seems to be the most powerful Bro for attacking destructive machines or groups, but has little impact on the gunship before he gets wiped out.
-IainB (May 11, 2014, 05:50 PM)
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Yay! I stayed up late the other night and finally defeated that flying gunship level in the "brototype" game!
I managed to get my Broforce character (if was the guy with the rapid-fire gun and the "freeze bombs" that pacify the enemy for a short interval) on top of the gunship, and then ran him back and forth on top, continuously blasting the gunship and anything that issued from it. The gunship began to shrink as bits of it were shot to pieces, hordes of baddies jumped out in waves, on parachutes, and they got blasted. Eventually, the gunship turned black and dropped to the ground.
After the "Area Liberated!" close to that level, the credits for the game came up showing some of the characters in the game and advertising the full game (which has now been released).

@Shades: Thanks (I think) for the tips re "Turrican"/"Hurrican" ... must waste time playing...

***** Necro - Thread Arise!!!!!! *****

Apparently Broforce will be released on the 15th of October this year for Windows, Linux and OS X. Consoles will follow later in 2016.

And what more...there is a spin-off featuring the Expendables. The fun doesn't stop there either with this music video!


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