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[2014-09-07] wLinker - Another Windows Launcher
(f)ix | (n)ew feature | (r)emoved feature
(f)#all#2014-05-10#Fix losing favIcon on editting url
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(f)ix | (n)ew feature | (r)emoved feature
#(n)#all#2014-05-23#Press {F6} to save file
#(f)#all#2014-05-23#Add command <Log off> on initialization
#(f)#pro#2014-05-23#Add commands <Restart>, <Shutdown> on initialization
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Today I'd like to introduce to you the stable version of wLinker, as a donating-coding project.
(f)ix | (n)ew feature | (r)emoved feature
#(n)#all#2014-06-10#Clipboard live-time teller
#(f)#all#2014-06-09#fix bug : SetForegroundWindow, code here : https://github.com/egoBizzin/sharp-snippets/blob/master/SetForegroundWindow.cs
#(f)#all#2014-06-09#neat user interface, auto-resize on search
#(n)#all#2014-06-09#{SCROLL} as global hot-key
#(n)#all#2014-06-09#copy secret key {Ctrl+C}
#(r)#all#2014-06-09#remove {F3}
#(r)#all#2014-06-09#Remove install font, clearType
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(f)ix | (n)ew feature | (r)emoved feature
#(f)#all#2014-06-13#2#Fix bug : navigating through (found) items
#(f)#all#2014-06-13#Update neat design
#(r)#al#2014-06-13#Remove buttons for {F4}, {F10}, {Ctrl+E}, {Ctrl+L}, {Ctrl+N}
#(f)#all#2014-06-12#Fix display command-letters on changes
#(n)#all#2014-06-12#Warning emotion on deleting items by dragging them out
#(n)#all#2014-06-11#{Alt+A->Z} to open item
#(n)#all#2014-06-11#{Ctrl+Shift+S} to privatize items
#(n)#all#2014-06-11#{Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S} to publicize items
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(f)ix | (n)ew feature | (r)emoved feature
#(n)#all#2014-06-18#Save 20 search terms : (in search box) {Up} {Ctrl+OemPlus} {Ctrl+OemMinus}
#(f)#all#2014-06-16#{SCROLL} -> {PAUSE}
#(f)#all#2014-06-16#Fix bug on Microsoft Office shortcuts
#(f)#all#2014-06-16#Fix display bugs
#(n)#all#2014-06-16#Start command with arguments from search box : <!command> [arguments]
#(n)#all#2014-06-16#Search for Google from search box : !gg search_term
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