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AntiSnooper - Privacy Protection (Freeware)
Here is the main window of AntiSnooper where you can configure what window to protect and set the type of protection (blurring window content or set your favorite screensaver):
-bagrify.com (May 07, 2014, 02:57 PM)
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Hello bagrify
I have been looking for a program with similar functionality that could help me with an eye problem. I have two detatched retina. I have setup Windows 7 to use dark colors for background and bright colors for the text. This is working well. But, some rogue programs will not conform to the color choices I require. Please improve accessibility | avast ! feedback When Avast! free antivirus User interface comes up I either have to switch to a Aero theme and invert magnifier or I have to squint and try to read the super bright wightish text on the super bright white background. I usually do the latter and have to spend an hour waiting for my retina to recover from the drain on oxygen and nutrients. Full contrast recovery may take as long as 5 hours depending on how I am, otherwise.
There are few programs that refuse to comply with the windows colors I need so a program like yours would be able to apply some sort of color inversion to selected windows with little or no disruption to the rest of the desktop or environment. A further help would be the selection of window region(s) to modify. Avast has a dark left pain that is good so full inversion of the ui renders that side less than optimal.
Thus my request for an invert option as one of the type of protections. I Know there are others out there with similar eye problems and they would also like this functionality.
blessings, best wishes, and thank you
chuck aka Sativarg :^)
It's free?
It asks for a registration key.
Hi taowa, does this help? License Keys - DonationCoder.com
I found it this way registration key site:donationcoder.com at DuckDuckGo
Thanks for your comments and detailed description. I'm working on new AntiSnooper version and very interested in your proposition. Could you please send us couple words on [email protected] on what specific features must be added to AntiSnooper on your opinion? Thanks.
There are two version - Lite and Pro. You can download the free version here.
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