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Add option to save picture as for image size and type
I would like a way to be able to use the right click, save picture as option to do a couple of things that Outlook doesn't offer. (maybe Chrome does? I would be willing to change to Chrome but I cannot also learn Firefox AND Chrome so either IE or Chrome would be nice)
The first is to either have the option to save as .png or at least offer it as an option instead of jpg or other format.
The second is to be able to choose either the original size and aspect or one of 2 custom sizes to save in. Either 742x350(p) or 650x100 (p). No others and these never vary so without the "keep current aspect ratios" option set
All saves should go to the "images" folder I am currently working in to keep from having to search for it afterward.
The purpose of all this is a simple one page layout on a website. I can start in the images folder, Google search for the images I need and, when I find them, save them in the only two formats I can use. My normal procedure is to find image, hit "save picture as", search for the folder I want it in (the Save always starts out anywhere but where I want to be). I have to save it in whatever format it was loaded in (usually jpg). Next open the mage with Paint, change the size to one of the two pixel settings remembering to uncheck the option to keep current aspect ratio, and finally save it as a PNG making sure it saves in the images folder I am working in and not another images folder I was in earlier. Paint also seems to prefer to save in either the folder it was last used in or some other location. I often have to search for the image I just saved if not careful.
I find it easier to gather several possibilities, then see how each looks when used. Some stretching is OK as long as it does not look ridiculous or lower the displayed resolution to the point it is blurry.
I used to have a small program (NOT Photoshop) it was a free utility like paint that could resize an image without loss of perspective in an intelligent way. But I have lost the name and there are hundreds with far to many features when I only need the one capability. This utility could double an images size and in some way never lose any clarity, I suppose by interpolating the correct pixels to use to fill in the spaces created when enlarging. Photoshop can do that but it is far to much to use for this one feature.
I could probably create a custom right click add-on to do much of this but I hope some web-designer out there already knows the quick and easy way. I only have to do this with two images per site and by the time I get the thing done I cant get interested in looking for a better way for next time because there is always something else that needs doing
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